Sold car and the buyer paid but still hasn't collected the car

Community Member

Hi Everyone, just wanting to get some advice on my car. I sold it on ebay March 29th for $810 and the buyer paid. He was making contact with me all the time in the beginning and then the communication stopped. The car needs to be towed as it isnt registered and the buyer was fully aware of this. The problem i have is that the car is sitting in my drive way and there is no car space for my new car. If i put the other one out on the street it will be towed away. He has all of my contact details but i never got his. Not sure what i should do with the car i have tried many times to contact the buyer but still no response.

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Sold car and the buyer paid but still hasn't collected the car

Community Member

I dont think u will be able to issue the refund after all of this time through paypal and without any contact details

Message 41 of 76
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Sold car and the buyer paid but still hasn't collected the car

Community Member

To use the easy refund link it needs to be done within 60 days of payment. The only thing you can do is use the send money tab but u will need the buyers correct email address or mobile phone number. 

Message 42 of 76
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Sold car and the buyer paid but still hasn't collected the car

You can issue an refund via paypal well after 60 days of payment.


If you wish to see if a email is still live - send .20c to the buyers registered paypal address and see if it appears as claimed or unclaimed.


??? is there more to this, than you have posted.

Message 43 of 76
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Sold car and the buyer paid but still hasn't collected the car

As the seller has paid all the fees for the sale by now and it is too late to claim them back if they can still do a straight refund through Paypal it should certainly be net of fees.


I would dispose of the car and just forget about the payment for now, if the buyer comes looking for a refund then is the time to think about it but they may never do so and even the ability to do a bank chargeback expires eventually. The seller hasn't even said if the payment was funded with a credit card, if it wasn't then they cannot claim through Paypal anyway as there is no buyer protection for cars.

It says in this book I am reading that by 2065 80% of women will be overweight.

See what a trendsetter I am?
Message 44 of 76
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Sold car and the buyer paid but still hasn't collected the car

even though the car is out of rego you can fill out the rear of the rego papers and hand them into the RMS.


I prefer this form below though...when buyers will not play


I always do this the moment a car,boat,bike or whatever is paid for.(and I have sold hundreds of vehicles registered and unregistered)


send a registered letter requiring identification on pick up, give the buyer seven days to remove the vehicle or it will be left on the street



This then places any liability squarely into the new owners lap and they can dispute it with the RMS and the local council.


I find that legal documentation (disposal of vehicle) usurps any paypal claim :|... (FFS)


simple ?:|





atheism is a non prophet organization
Message 45 of 76
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Sold car and the buyer paid but still hasn't collected the car

So,,, in short... in ANY VEHICLE SALE SITUATION IN NSW  if you can get the buyer to fill out the rear of the old rego papers including licence number then well and good... get them to do that and hand it in to the RMS


.... however if you get into the situation like the OP then.....


The form I linked to on the previous post does not require the buyers signature or licence number.


ie. It can be filled out by the seller autonomously and allays liability




atheism is a non prophet organization
Message 46 of 76
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Sold car and the buyer paid but still hasn't collected the car

really interested in the process that occurred when you transferred your plates onto the new car..


The seller sold the car on the 29th march, the car was registered till April the 1st.


If the seller transferred the plates prior to April 2 then they should have been issued with other plates to fit to the car.


I am not sure what date the buyer actually paid (ie if they did not pay till after the 1st of April then you may be able to prove the car was sold unregistered?)


If the seller wanted to keep the number plates then they should have

If you wish to keep the number plates

If the vehicle you are disposing of has special number plates and you wish to retain your special number plate rights, or you wish to keep them for another vehicle in your name, you must attend a registry to either 'exchange' the number plates between two vehicles in your name or to place the number plates in reserve at the registry and be issued with replacement standard number plates for the vehicle. 


This must be done BEFORE a notice of disposal or a transfer of registration is recorded.


Op did you cancel the commodore registration when you changed the plates or wait till it was unregistered and then just applied to transfer the plates to the new car??


You may have filled out a notice of disposal at that time and not realized it??


atheism is a non prophet organization
Message 47 of 76
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Sold car and the buyer paid but still hasn't collected the car

There is no need to have the vehicle towed by the new owner...



You can drive an unregistered car in NSW in these circumstances


When you can drive unregistered:

Unregistered light vehicles can be driven in NSW for the purpose of obtaining registration by the most direct or convenient route:

  • To the nearest convenient motor registry.

  • To the nearest convenient vehicle inspection station or authorised safety check station to determine whether the vehicle complies with the applicable vehicle standards.

  • In the course of inspecting or testing the vehicle to determine if it complies with the applicable vehicle standards.

  • To the nearest practicable weighbridge to determine the weight of the vehicle.

  • From a motor registry or safety check station where the registration of the vehicle has been refused, to the nearest convenient place where necessary repairs can be made or where the vehicle can be garaged, unless a direction has been issued that the vehicle must not be driven before the necessary repairs have been made.

  • From an authorised safety check station to the nearest convenient place where necessary repairs or adjustments can be made or where the vehicle can be garaged.

  • To the nearest convenient office of a licensed insurer for the purpose of obtaining Compulsory Third Party (CTP) insurance.

  • To the nearest convenient location for any other purpose directly associated with the registration process.


So If you arrange an AUVIS check at the nearest convenient Auvis check station when you oick the vehicle up you can then drive the vehicle (as long is it is not defected and deemed not to be driven) to the nearest convenient place where thevehicle can be garaged.


In the case of this particular vehicle as yet no auvis check is required (unless the OP cancelled the rego) as the 3 months allowed for a yearly inspection after registration date has not been exceeded.... although it must be very very close

atheism is a non prophet organization
Message 48 of 76
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Sold car and the buyer paid but still hasn't collected the car

Community Member

how do i find registered paypal address?

Message 49 of 76
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Sold car and the buyer paid but still hasn't collected the car

log into your paypal account and bring up the transaction.


This will have the delivery address stated on it for the transaction. It may or may not be their paypal registered address. You can check it with the ebay details you pulled though

atheism is a non prophet organization
Message 50 of 76
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