This one takes the cake - request for return of payment - Financial Institution

Well this is a doosey but feel i will loose out. Buyer purchased a Large Wooden coffee table which was pick up only in AUGUST 2015 - They were a little slow in picking item up but all finalised in the end. Paid with Paypal and obviously through their credit card. I have now had a case opened against me for a dispute on payment by Paypal for the payment of the coffee table.  - More than 6 months later. Of course the listing is no longer accesible. Paypal requesting tracking details for the item. Yeah write when it is pick up only. I did manage to find an old email about details for collection but that is all I could find. I will ring Paypal today and question their reasoning for the case against me - 6 months later.  In addition I have tracked down the buyers Id and sent a explicit email through ebay messages. Wasted over and hour of my life for an idiot that cannot remember a transaction. Will try and fight this to the end if it is not resolved in my favour,. Got to say the buyer on collection was a blonde dippy bimbo and this does sort of prove it. !!!!!!!!!!!!



Message 1 of 42
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This one takes the cake - request for return of payment - Financial Institution

I NEVER allow buyers to pick up from me ever. 


But you probably don't sell furniture.

Message 31 of 42
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This one takes the cake - request for return of payment - Financial Institution

I thought it was all done and dusted.   OP got the money back and a green tick


 Let them now I would be taking my business elsewhere and not using paypal and would close my account. Funny they then could see my point and have refunded my the funds

Message 32 of 42
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This one takes the cake - request for return of payment - Financial Institution

@imastawka wrote:

I thought it was all done and dusted.   OP got the money back and a green tick


 Let them now I would be taking my business elsewhere and not using paypal and would close my account. Funny they then could see my point and have refunded my the funds


I know that

Message 33 of 42
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This one takes the cake - request for return of payment - Financial Institution

Sorry Dave.  My fingers were thinking out loud and you were the last poster



Message 34 of 42
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This one takes the cake - request for return of payment - Financial Institution

So glad you won your case.... the feedback should have been the evidence itself...


I had a similar case last year (chargeback) provided feedback confirmation that the buyer had left... Paypal said that is not proof that the credit card used was not theirs etc etc etc... I replied perhaps not but it proves FRAUD and the fact that you (Paypal) told me it was OK to send is all I can rely on.... I had tracking but wanted to win the case on ethics only... I did!!

Message 35 of 42
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This one takes the cake - request for return of payment - Financial Institution

So glad you had a win, but it shouldn't have been as a result of you stating you would close your account, it should have been based on 'the evidence' you provided - what a joke !!

Message 36 of 42
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This one takes the cake - request for return of payment - Financial Institution

who knows what it was really based on, could have been rock paper scissors game between two CS employees, or a coin toss

Message 37 of 42
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This one takes the cake - request for return of payment - Financial Institution

l also lost my case, only $29 but provid all the correct imfo, transaction date was on January  6th untill now. this is what they paypal wrote.


Thanks for your patience during our review of your bank reversal case. Unfortunately, we're unable to reimburse you the reversed payment because this transaction isn't eligible for PayPal Seller Protection for the following reason:

  • We weren't able to verify the shipment information you provided.

This case is now closed.


For now on will try and direct as many payment as l can away from paypal, Screw you paypal !!



Message 38 of 42
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This one takes the cake - request for return of payment - Financial Institution

Did you actually ask Australia Post for the information?

They can access the tracking and lodgement details a lot further back than January.

Message 39 of 42
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This one takes the cake - request for return of payment - Financial Institution

i find it bizarre that buyers are claiming chargebacks 6+ months down the track on cc purchases. Statements are issued monthly so you would think the person would have checked their statement and seen the transaction and then if it was genuine you'd contact your bank straight away.


it kind of looks like anyone who is trying to claim a chargeback after let's say 2 months is scamming!

Message 40 of 42
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