on โ24-01-2016 02:47 PM
Hi if 40 listings is the max for a month & I took advange of the 150 free listings if they auto relist am I charged for the rest cheers?
on โ24-01-2016 02:49 PM
You shouldn't be charged for auto relists, however if they relist while the promotion is still running, the relists may come off the 150.
on โ24-01-2016 04:31 PM
Hi alpescene ... I find that the auto relists seem to always come of the regular 150 free listing promotion (not the 200 and 200's).
I try and get as many listed on the first few days, as you can manage it better. I mean, as soon as you reach 150, the relists will be free again.
Does that make sense to you ? I learnt the hard way last time ๐
on โ24-01-2016 04:34 PM
I meant the 100 and 200"s.
on โ24-01-2016 05:33 PM
Hi thanks I clicked on the icon for the 3 free listings & it actually says these will not be taken off the regular free listings but may effect
selling manager automative Go figure somehing free from Ebay! I'm a bit worried as I managed 150 free listings which means 150 listed up to three times again? cheers
on โ24-01-2016 06:13 PM
Yes it does mean 3 free auto-relists. That's what it is called.
on โ24-01-2016 06:45 PM
Gee wizz thanks !!
on โ24-01-2016 07:57 PM
If the auto relists on your 40 free per month happen to come off the promo 150 free, please do as I have done and contact eBay.
I currently have 35 auto relists that did come off the 150 free.
But I did contact eBay, and they will give a credit back on my account for those 35x$1.50 that I've been charged.
Suggest you jump on the phone tomorrow. And why, oh why, don't others do the same.
on โ24-01-2016 08:11 PM
Guess sometimes you ain't always right with your quick retorts refer last message and I' aint going your way!!
on โ24-01-2016 11:10 PM
Three free auto-relists are exactly that.
I have never encountered a situation where they haven't worked.
If YOU have had a different experience, then maybe you should post details rather than unsuccessfully trying to belittle others.