Time for an eBay alternative?

Community Member

Yes there’s gumtree and Facebook marketplace, but what about a platform with a buy now feature suitable for any sellers, with the security eBay has? Fees are ridiculous with no selling promotions in sight, sales have been down, do people think eBay could struggle even more if a new competitor was introduced?

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Re: Time for an eBay alternative?

The thing about eBay is that it works on an algorithm. They want you to be listing a certain amount of quality items every day and dedicating a lot of time to improving your listings. Otherwise they won't send many buyers your way. I have 2 accounts. One I list on frequently and this one I don't list frequently on. I haven't had a sale on this account for a week or so because it's largely inactive. My other account I list on almost daily and get between 1-4 sales per day.

Activity is key. They want you to be actively trying to list items 24/7.


Other sites have tried and failed because they just don't have the traffic. 

Message 2 of 22
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Re: Time for an eBay alternative?

There's Etsy which is slowly expanding from homemade and craft stuff to include collectables.  I always check it because many eBay sellers also sell on Etsy.

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Re: Time for an eBay alternative?

They want you to be actively trying to list items 24/7.


Well I am a causal seller so it’s not like I have infinite items to sell. I am also listing low priced items currently due to the high fees.

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Re: Time for an eBay alternative?

I do not see an alternative "ebay"  eventuating anytime soon, also I do not see ebay reverting to broadscale

seller promotions  IE:  $1 FVF etc.

Ebay provides security & buyer/seller protection programs, certification programs etc, etc.  all of which have to be paid for,  with  FVF's remaining quite reasonable,  thank god they have advertising revenue available to subsidize fees.

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Re: Time for an eBay alternative?


There are some folk/companies who have tried to start alternatives, but many have closed up as it takes considerable financial backing to stay viable.


Here are the best options other than Ebay, but some may not be viable for Australian sellers



I do agree that sales are down here though.


I reality, all these sites charge hefty commission and not all of them have the reach that Ebay does. I looked at your items, and you're losing so much money by offering free postage on your items. At least charge a flat parcel rate to recoup some of it. Those boxed sets would cost a fair bit in tracked postage alone.

Message 6 of 22
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Re: Time for an eBay alternative?

I looked at your items, and you're losing so much money by offering free postage on your items. At least charge a flat parcel rate to recoup some of it. Those boxed sets would cost a fair bit in tracked postage alone.


All my items are listed at the lowest price they are on eBay. The postage is not the issue, it’s the fees that are. In most cases, the eBay fees are equal to or more than the postage cost of the items. If I were to add an extra postage cost on top of the current prices, they would not sell at all due to there being other sellers offering the same items for lower prices.

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Re: Time for an eBay alternative?

There you go.


You don't seem to be able to carve yourself a niche.


Are you comparing apples to apples? If you are competing with (generally) Chinese sellers, are your items better quality? If not why are you trying to compete with 'manufacturers'?


I sell books. I aim to be the 2nd or 3rd lowest AUSTRALIAN seller, I don't even consider foreign sellers (of which there are many) when setting my prices.


Works for me. Maybe consider and revise your business model.

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Re: Time for an eBay alternative?

Community Member

Works for me. Maybe consider and revise your business model.


I’m not new to selling, I know what I’m doing. And yes, I do not factor in overseas sellers, my items are always the lowest price on eBay au.

Message 9 of 22
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Re: Time for an eBay alternative?

Works for me. Maybe consider and revise your business model.


I’m not new to selling, I know what I’m doing. And yes, I do not factor in overseas sellers, my items are always the lowest price on eBay au.

Message 10 of 22
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