Top rated seller

Sorry all for another stupid question  (I shall be famous for them soon)


Just wondering why I am still 'above standard' rather than top rated? (no defects at all either) I say...sorry for the stupid questionScreenshot (133) 1.jpg

Message 1 of 29
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Re: Top rated seller

We've been down graded to Above standard because the sales aren't around like they were eighteen months ago!! At least my headache has gone now.

Being a top rated seller is meaningless anyway when some buyers don't even read the descriptions, never mind about anything else!!LOL


Message 21 of 29
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Re: Top rated seller

NO BENEFITS AT ALL all being a power seller but rather the reverse!!  No free auto relists and usually no free listing offers unless you find them on the discussion boards. I would love to loose my power seller status, which means nothing and puts us at a disadvantage 

Message 22 of 29
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Re: Top rated seller

@justcruising48 wrote:

NO BENEFITS AT ALL all being a power seller but rather the reverse!!  No free auto relists and usually no free listing offers unless you find them on the discussion boards. I would love to loose my power seller status, which means nothing and puts us at a disadvantage 

I get free auto-relists (even in my store) and I've been able to use the last few freebies (even in my store). Which, admittedly, I've found on the boards. Which is what they are for.


There may be reasons why you don't get them but it is not a blanket policy.

Message 23 of 29
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Re: Top rated seller

@justcruising48 wrote:

NO BENEFITS AT ALL all being a power seller but rather the reverse!!  No free auto relists and usually no free listing offers unless you find them on the discussion boards. I would love to loose my power seller status, which means nothing and puts us at a disadvantage 

I have been a powerseller for the last 3 years and 99.9% of the time I have the auto relists. The only time I haven't is if I need to clear out my cache or there is a glitch happening. If I go back later and revise it's usually there. If not, it's always back by the next day.


As for the free listing offers, more often that not I get the email offers. Even on accounts that I created and never used. I get them more on my powerseller accounts than the unused ones.


Try clearing out your browser cache. That's usually what fixes the auto relist problem.

Message 24 of 29
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Re: Top rated seller

@justcruising48 wrote:

NO BENEFITS AT ALL all being a power seller but rather the reverse!!  No free auto relists and usually no free listing offers unless you find them on the discussion boards. I would love to loose my power seller status, which means nothing and puts us at a disadvantage 

Sorry joe, yes I did mention horses and sheep. Just to clarify, I like to eat legs of lamb but not horses. ( that particular horse would be a bit tough and chewy i suspect ).  Tippsy toes ( sorry I meant tippy toes ) also enjoys her lamb stew and gets into it from time to time....:..........Smiley Very Happy................enough said .....



It seems the auto relist function has a cut off point based on annual turnover. It would seem this may be around $10,000 annual turnover. I dropped below this figure for a few weeks on my private account, ( top rated and power seller ) after not listing or selling for awhile.. I recieved the auto free relists for a month or so until I went back over $10,000 in annual sales at which point they dissapeared again. That is the only time I have ever seen the 3 free auto relists as that account usually sells more than $10,000 per annum.


I still occasionally recieve the email messages offering 100 - 150 free listings, but mainly get them from the forums, so they dont dissapear completely for TR or Powerseller, non store accounts..

Message 25 of 29
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Re: Top rated seller

I contacted ebay at same time I posted here (actually, I did not expect them to reply)


Their excuse is because I only had 95 transactions, not 110




I know damn well I did not sell 15 items in one day



Message 26 of 29
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Re: Top rated seller

Just to update, ebay now claim I have defects affecting my account


?  really? news to me


So first they say I have 95 transactions, when I point out I actually have 110 (and did so at the 'review date') so now they change their story and claim I have defects and to ring them


Smiley Mad

Message 27 of 29
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Re: Top rated seller

Is there anything showing in your seller dashboard since you posted the screenshot (which clearly shows 0 defects!)? Try running a defect report and see if anything shows in there (it shouldn't if you're still showing 0%). The link for that is in small print under the defect box (expand the box, it's in there amongst all or zeros).


Do you have another account that might have too many defects? Just trying to think of other possibilities. I'm still guessing it will show up after the January evaluation like mine did. Have they sent you the email yet to tell you you now have TRS? I got that about 2 days before it changed.

Message 28 of 29
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Re: Top rated seller

Thank you


No defects on this account, and it is my only one. Ebay now admit they made a mistake in saying I have defects,but have gone back to saying I only have 95 transactions and I don't have 110  Woman Tongue

Message 29 of 29
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