on โ05-10-2017 12:45 PM
I just tried to send my address and phone number to a buyer, ebay has now automatically restricted my ability to communicate with any buyer on ebay for 1 week!!. I called up their help line only to be told they don't have the ability to remove this restriction on my account.
I was unaware that you couldn't send a phone number prior to the buyer clicking buy now.
I can understand why ebay has this restriction to stop people making a transaction outside of ebay..... but I wasn't trying to get around their fees.
This is a huge hastle for me, the only way I can contact buyers now is for me to call ebay, they send me an email, I respond to that email, and ebay contact the seller on my behalf....
I currently have 3 listings up, was planning on putting up another few this week... looks like I'll have to put that off now.
on โ05-10-2017 01:13 PM
You are right, it is a huge problem for many sellers judging by the number of threads posted on the boards recently. It does of cause have to do with the robots fearing off ebay transactions. There have been a few suggestion as to how to get around it but dont really know if they work. HAve a look around the boards for same problem and see if you find a way around it in any of the other threads. Sorry cant search for them at present was due out 1/2 hr ago.
on โ05-10-2017 03:12 PM
I tried the same thing, buyer wanted to know further details, and i can talk a lot faster(and easier) than i Can type. I tried sending a phone number- got a warning from Ebay, I then tried sending my email adress using brackets, etc (not using the @ symbol), and got a week off the air. That cost me about $100 because the buyer thought that I couyldn't be bothered sending the info. It Also cost ebay their commision and dont forget the Paypal sting too! I tried explaining to the Ebay rep, I might as well have talked to my chooks, they understand better!!
on โ05-10-2017 05:59 PM
Well I just lost the sale of my PS4 Pro.... buyer pulled out after the conversation started looking funny, that's $500.
I have 2 other auctions running currently and was about to put some more up..... so **bleep** right now.
on โ05-10-2017 06:22 PM
Buyers have to hit buy it now for ebay to be satisfied.
Only then will they allow exchange of info
on โ05-10-2017 07:01 PM
I get it, why don't they just restrict my whole account for a week? Oh no then they would miss out on their fees, they just need to make it really inconvenient for a week....
Amazon, get your A$$ in gear an get in Australia already.
on โ05-10-2017 07:09 PM
Careful what you wish for. Amazon won't be that great.
on โ05-10-2017 07:21 PM
@imastawka wrote:Buyers have to hit buy it now for ebay to be satisfied.
Only then will they allow exchange of info
Yep,just had a buyer pay by PP on a recent pick up item and three days later they wanted it cancelled as they
thought our address was closer or they couldn't get someone to pick it up that was going to their place.
So to make certain that I don't get defected in case they thought I might have sold it to them anyway and then
refunded the payment I relisted it,(if they dont sell I can always donate the books so I have nothing to lose except the FVF as it sold under the 10 free with no FVF)
on โ06-10-2017 12:34 AM
I don't know if it still works, but this is how I've sent my email address via messaging. It's been awhile since I've done it, so the bots may pick up on it now. This is not a real email address that I know of. michael atTIC snowman dotTy comING dotING auNTY. If you use hotmail, gmail or any of the other free online emails, the you're probably screwed as they would be in the bots database.
on โ06-10-2017 09:17 AM
@*tippy*toes* wrote:I don't know if it still works, but this is how I've sent my email address via messaging. It's been awhile since I've done it, so the bots may pick up on it now. This is not a real email address that I know of. michael atTIC snowman dotTy comING dotING auNTY. If you use hotmail, gmail or any of the other free online emails, the you're probably screwed as they would be in the bots database.
spelling numbers helps too....
zero four one four one two three four five six ..... for example... (hmmm.... i wonder who might own that number i just made up?) LOL
nameatemailserverdotcomdotau might work too.
This aside, i've seen phone numbers listed in listing descriptions. Is this allowed now, or is this an attempted bypass too?