on 28-10-2018 06:35 PM
Every now and again I go to my "Buyer Activity" list in Preferences to see who has tried to purchase from me, but cannot due to the restrictions I have in place.
I've noticed that a buyer registered in the UK has tried about 20 times over the last few weeks to purchase item no: 292523342153
The messages in the activity list is "Buyer in country to which I don't post", but I've checked the listing and the UK is one of the countries listed.
Seems weird.
Is it possible that he registered in the UK but now has moved to a country to which I don't post, or could there be an Ebay glitch?
They haven't tried to contact me though.
on 28-10-2018 06:53 PM
This block is triggered by the primary postal address the member has on file with ebay, so they are likely wanting to have it sent to somewhere you don't post to (either because that's where they are, or to send as a gift to someone else).
I wouldn't take any action myself, unless the buyer made contact. I've had buyers who come up against this block on my own items, and while some do appear to try fervently to no avail, in most cases they get the error message and reaslise it's a no-go, or get it sent to someone they know in Aus. It's rare anyone will actually contact me, though.
on 28-10-2018 06:53 PM
on 28-10-2018 07:17 PM
Jersey is also blocked
on 28-10-2018 07:39 PM
Thank you!
Maybe the buyer is in Jersey or Guernsey - never thought of that.
So weird that they would keep on trying and trying and trying and trying.....
Anyway, I won't worry about it unless they contact me.
on 28-10-2018 07:58 PM