Unable to search within new Stores??



Is it only me?? This week I am unable to do a search within anyone's new-style Store. Catagories that were on the left hand side seem to have disappeared as well. Old style Stores are fine - mine is still old style as of now.


It is off-putting to go into a store with oodles of listings and no way to quickly search via catagory or search box, rather than going through each page of listings.


I use Chrome and have had no difficulties up until late last week, so thought it was merely a Friday glitch.


A confused Jo Smiley Embarassed


Message 1 of 28
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Unable to search within new Stores??


I think this must be the answer: - AdBlock Plus IS running.


Now the next challenge is how to get the search store button to 'unblock' - although I can't understand - according to my non-tech savvy senior logic - why the search button would be classed as a pop-up advert.


So in ABP - I have nothing under Add Ur Own Filters or Whitelisted domains.


Up until last Friday I could see the search store option in new stores and I promise I haven't fiddled with anything since Smiley Embarassed



Message 11 of 28
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Unable to search within new Stores??

Hmmm - I have AdBlock Plus enabled, and I can still see the search box,

Message 12 of 28
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Unable to search within new Stores??



I added - stores.ebay.com.au###sch-box - to the Whitelisted Domain - was this what I should do?


I have refreshed Big Bricks shop and it didn't help.


I'm really feeling out of my depth here, sorry for the trouble, and thank you for trying to assist me; it is very much appreciated.



Message 13 of 28
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Unable to search within new Stores??

If there's nothing showing in Add your own filters then it must be something else.


Try disabling your ABP and refresh the page and see if you can see the Search Store box.

Message 14 of 28
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Unable to search within new Stores??

I've just looked at the screenshot that you posted and you're missing the left hand category panel as well.

Message 15 of 28
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Unable to search within new Stores??

Firefox, no adblockers and I see the same thing.

No search button on any of ebay's stores.


Stores with their own templates are fine.



Message 16 of 28
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Unable to search within new Stores??

@bigbrickshop wrote:

I've just looked at the screenshot that you posted and you're missing the left hand category panel as well.

Zoom in.  Category panel is there on the left.

Message 17 of 28
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Unable to search within new Stores??

Hmmm, no luck with disabling ABP and refreshing.


I really think I need to hold my breath, lift my right leg, hold my tongue the right way and wait until it all shakes back into the right place.


As I said earlier: all was fine until last Friday so maybe some of us - or only me - are a little glitchy and things will go back to 'normal' in a couple more days.


Thank you so much BigBricks and Curraone for trying to help me, it is appreciated - your blood's worth bottling!!


Take Care


Smiley Embarassed



Message 18 of 28
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Unable to search within new Stores??

Hi Stawks - Glad I am not the only one -big whew!!


Well picked up BigBricks - As I said in OP - I can't see the Catagories on left hand side either.



Message 19 of 28
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Unable to search within new Stores??

There's no category panel in the previous screenshot.


This is what it looks like in Chrome on my PC



Message 20 of 28
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