Unable to sell as I dont have a drivers License or Passport

Ive been a  ebay member buying and selling for several years .However since Ebay bought in  a managed payment policy I haven t sold anything .I spent the morning   doing 12 listings but when i went to list I was told I needed to update my details .I was sent to a form which requires me to provide details of either a drivers license or a passport .I have neither .I then  spent several frustrating minutes talking to ebay live chat .The person I spoke to had no idea what happens when a person has neither of these forms of ID  and said no one in customer service could provide me with the details of why they asked for them .and referred me to the user agreement and payment terms of use but these seem so complicated that I cant seem to find an answer .Is the rule the result of an Australian Government Department requirement and if so which Department ? Lots of people do not have drivers licenses or passports so does this mean they cant ever sell on Ebay again ?


'I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered . My life is my own."
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Re: Unable to sell as I dont have a drivers License or Passport

@southwold55 wrote:

Amazingly putting in the Photo ID card number worked ,I then was able to complete the process add bank account etc .I have now been able to list my items -thanks .

Photo ID worked for the missus for around two months, but eventually ebay spat the dummy and rejected it. in the end, she had to apply for a passport to keep selling.

Message 11 of 45
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Re: Unable to sell as I dont have a drivers License or Passport

in the end, she had to apply for a passport to keep selling.




With a family trust, you could have all your selling IDs in your name and disburse funds in the most tax advantageous way.

Message 12 of 45
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Re: Unable to sell as I dont have a drivers License or Passport

Community Member

I'm also very angry a this change in policy, which also does away with the ability to transfer money to sellers' bank accounts directly.  There is nothing you can do, no explanation, nobody to complain to.  Insult to injury they call it 'a better experience'.    Either you play their game or you are out in the cold - strategy must be to shake off this kind of digital dependency, be consequential and quit for something else.

Message 13 of 45
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Re: Unable to sell as I dont have a drivers License or Passport

Strangely enough you do have an option,  and its painless, no need to be ''angry''.   Close your account,  its your percolative really,  no one is forcing you to follow their rules.



Message 14 of 45
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Re: Unable to sell as I dont have a drivers License or Passport

percolative      ???


Message 15 of 45
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Re: Unable to sell as I dont have a drivers License or Passport


Message 16 of 45
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Re: Unable to sell as I dont have a drivers License or Passport

Yeah seriously.


They're not making coffee


Message 17 of 45
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Re: Unable to sell as I dont have a drivers License or Passport

Prerogative... I guess?

Message 18 of 45
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Re: Unable to sell as I dont have a drivers License or Passport

My problem is not being able to sell but being able to get money from stuff i sold from before the change over its trapped with ebay until your able to get the correct form of id.

Message 19 of 45
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Re: Unable to sell as I dont have a drivers License or Passport

The answer is in your question.


Provide required ID and your funds will be released.

Message 20 of 45
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