Unhappy with eBay withholding payments..

Community Member

Hi eBay community. 


I have been a member of eBay for 5 years now. I have completed exactly 60 transactions with 100% positive feedback, where roughly 15 of those transactions were me being the seller. I have never had any disputes or complaints against me, and have always gone above and beyond when selling something on here. 


Now that I have cleared that up, I am unhappy with this new (havent sold anything in about a year) seller policy that eBay have introduced.


I recently sold an item and learned after the bid had completed that my money would be on hold for a month.....!!


Now, dont get me wrong, I can understand that eBay want to make a safe buying environment, but isnt this taking it too far? The buyer has already recieved my item more than a week ago, and has already left me positive feedback, yet my money is still on hold for more than another week. It just seems beyond silly!


I just think this system punishes eBayers with a perfect record who dont necessarily sell things very often!


Not a very happy seller,



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Re: Unhappy with eBay withholding payments..

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Re: Unhappy with eBay withholding payments..

Smiley LOLSmiley LOL

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Re: Unhappy with eBay withholding payments..

I conducted a successful  sale only a few weeks ago & now they want to withhold funds from my latest sale for 14 days, in spite of the fact that the item has been delivered. And now that Paypal have been effectively taken out of the loop via Ebay's new payment scheme, you can't contact them to release your funds. What really irks me is that they then proceeded to send me a bill for $107.00. That basically consumed the profit from one of the 2 items I sold. Seriously? $107 in fees & they can't even pay me in a timely fashion? A complete disgrace. More vulture capitalism I suppose & the world becoming an uglier place every day.

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Re: Unhappy with eBay withholding payments..

The fee's for selling are clearly displayed on the Ebay website, if you didn't bother to check out what the fee was, well then don't complain about Ebay, complain about yourself for  not doing your due diligence.  Maybe it's not Ebay that is the disgrace.

Message 24 of 26
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Re: Unhappy with eBay withholding payments..

There have been rumblings on the holding of funds here and there for years.

This is now the final straw as I view it from a sellers position. Sellers now have absolutely no rights whatsoever, and I see the eBay platform in self destruct.

Message 25 of 26
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Re: Unhappy with eBay withholding payments..

Hi everyone,

Due to the age of this thread, it has been closed to further replies. Please feel free to start a new thread HERE if you wish to continue to discuss this topic.

Thank you for understanding.

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