on 24-12-2017 02:54 PM
Uggghh I thought ebay didn't allow the sale of used undies.. just came across this auction listing for Used Women's Panties - 272986576902
It's disgusting.....
I was looking for Tradie Lady boyleg briefs as I can't always get 'em in K-Mart or Woollies, & this came up.
on 26-12-2017 05:05 PM
Item has 'disappeared'
on 26-12-2017 05:22 PM
I'm not looking.........what about the other 57 items?
on 26-12-2017 06:05 PM
@brerrabbit585 wrote:
@imastawka wrote:How about we all send our used undies to ebay?
Think they'd take notice then?
What a good idea. They'd make so much money from selling them that they'd be able to slash the fees they charge us.
Re the OP, I always have to wonder why people who express disgust at certain things feel obliged to show them to as many others as possible.
The more people look & report it the better....
on 27-12-2017 08:48 AM
In Japan they sell every imaginable item in vending machines - including used schoolgirl nickers!
on 28-12-2017 02:29 AM
Ewwwwwww 😱😱
on 28-12-2017 10:37 AM
One man's disgusting is another man's turn on. While a lot of people are outraged I don't have a problem with anything as long as it is taking place behind closed doors and nobody is being forced to join in.
Always struck me as a rather sensible way to make money. Buy a pack of cheap knickers, wear them then sell them for enough to buy more new knickers and probably a fair bit more. A nice new pair every day and think of how you are saving the enviroment by not using all that water and soap powder to wash your undies.
on 28-12-2017 04:00 PM
I have a friend who did this - made herself a quick $1500 too. Bought 30 pairs and sold them for $50 each on Craiglist.
on 28-12-2017 05:02 PM
I'm sure I've enjoyed a totally protected life. I really have trouble getting my head about this 'stuff'.
on 03-01-2018 05:39 PM
You have to be over 18 to use eBay, so there should be no "innocent" children having their innocence stolen. They see way worse on Facebook and instagram or whatever it's called. I have learned not be shocked at anything any more. Not since I'd get videos show up in the side bar on YouTube that left a lot to be desired. Each to their own. No-one is forcing me into anything. If other people want to do stuff I think is perverted, that's their choice.
on 03-01-2018 07:13 PM
A listing for used undies on eBay is going to destroy the innocence of young children...
I'm sorry Clubs... I laughed so hard at this, I almost wet my pants!
.............. hmmmm..... I think there might be a sale in that!
...for goodness sake, dont do a search for vibrators, body massage items, or naughty lingerie..... your own innocence might be lost forever.
Take care.