on 08-04-2014 09:58 PM
Has anyone noticed that there is variable postage rates on listings. When you look at a lot of the listings under the search function the postage price is displaying as a lot less. When you click onto the actual listing the price automatically increases by 10-15%. I have seen a large number of newly listed items showing up this way. There are of course others that do not. Does anyone know if this has anything to do with the new fee structure beginning in May? If so, it makes no sense as the additional costs do not equate to 9.9% FVF.
on 09-04-2014 05:33 PM
@digital*ghost wrote:The items in question are listings using calculated postage, and I suspect that the search results price is postage component only, while the listing actually shows postage + handling fee, which has to be entered separately by the seller (and allows for packaging costs to be included in the postage price etc). It shouldn't be the case, in that the total should be displayed in search results.
I may be wrong, though, as I did a general search for other items that use calculated postage for the eBay satchel rates, and one seller's items show a 20c discrepancy between search results and listing P&H quotes ($7.25 vs $7.45, when I thought current AP cost is $7.15 - coulda snuck a price rise past me, though
Either way, there is definitely a noticable discrepancy for calculated postage quotes.
That coulda been me. I add a whole 30c for handling (satchel, bubblewrap, ink, paper, gladwrap actually). And C&S satchel prices went from $6.95 to $7.15 last week.
on 10-04-2014 02:26 AM
@davewil1964 wrote:That coulda been me. I add a whole 30c for handling (satchel, bubblewrap, ink, paper, gladwrap actually). And C&S satchel prices went from $6.95 to $7.15 last week.
It was you, lol.
I went looking for your items because I know you use calculated with a low handling fee, so wanted to see if that's what was definitely making the difference, but the discrepancy was 20c, which is in the ballpark but means I have no clue how the difference is being calculated or shown from search results to listing...unless only a specific percentage of the handling fee is being shown o_O
on 10-04-2014 04:42 PM
i suspect it is because when the listings were done the satchel postage was $6.95 and now the satchel postage is $7.15.
So the search page would seem to be batched, while the item page is live, and thus shows the new postage costs.
on 10-04-2014 11:22 PM
Most likely - that makes a lot more sense than what I was thinking.
on 10-04-2014 11:37 PM
It's been like this for awhile.
It's a bug, when the search results are compiled it ignores the table rate (variable shipping rates) postage.
At work (brick and mortar) we also have a ebay store.. have actually had a customer complain about the 'misleading' shipping.
As when you load the actual item page it reads your postcode and then does the calculation.