on โ22-09-2012 01:20 PM
I recently sold a canoe for $61.00...........yet, when i checked my seller account, I was shocked to see that ebay took $45.00, as a final value fee!.....which left me with a huge $16.00 out of the sale! Im still shaking my head.........and cant comprehend, why ebay charged so much!
Does anyone know, why this fee was so high?
on โ22-09-2012 01:41 PM
not sure, but think that listings in Cars, boats, motor bikes all have a flat rate $45 charge
you'll need to go to the site map at the bottom of any page and check the final value fees for Boats category
on โ22-09-2012 01:43 PM
listings in the cars,bikes & boats categories has a flat $45 FVF
on โ22-09-2012 01:44 PM
Hi putney. I type very slow :^O
on โ22-09-2012 02:15 PM
Not sure how you could "be shocked" when Ebay actually tells you on the listing page how much it will cost. Maybe that is a failing of Auctiva, in that you are just guessing?
You listed a canoe in the power boats category:
Cars, Bikes, Boats > Boats > Other Boats
You should have listed it with all the other canoes in:
Sport > Boating, Water Sports > Watercraft > Canoes
Because you listed it in a Vehicle category, you were charged accordingly.
on โ22-09-2012 02:57 PM
on โ22-09-2012 02:57 PM
THANKYOU very much to all!
Seems it was my silly mistake, to not check thoroughly!
As this was the first time, that I listed in that catogory, I was totally unaware, of a flat rate charge.
At the time of listing, i was having a bit of difficulty, trying to find the right catogory to sell in also........
I just want to thank everyone, for your replies....it has raised my awareness and explains, where I went wrong.
on โ22-09-2012 06:30 PM
nutmeg if you have problems in the future just put the item into the search at the top of the page and search all categories.
When you see a list of canoes, you just click on 3 or4 different listings and at the top of each listing will be the category that the item was listed in.
So most of the canoes would be Sports>etc>etc>
This way you find which category most sellers of a similar item list in, I find it better than using the eBay suggestions when doing the listing.
(Also when you do that search you can choose "completed" listings and get an idea of the price similar items have been selling.)
on โ22-09-2012 07:07 PM
Thankyou all for your suggestions and advice......you have all be very helpful!