on 23-09-2016 03:38 PM
Hi all just thought I would pass this information on. Few weeks ago I received a large letter with $5.00 Stamps on it all were un-franked. Like me I soaked them in water to use later. I used one couple weeks only to receive a Bill from Australia Post. I phoned AP asking why the bill only to be told The stamp was already Franked by some new means and is visible by Ultra Violet Light. Apparently when in the sorting office the machine that sorts them also scans the stamps to make sure there is enough postage and picks up any other errors. I Paid my fine (Bill) and moved on. Never Again Dont Try it $9.80 for $1.00 Not Worth It.
on 23-09-2016 03:48 PM
Ouch...that was an expensive lesson. Thanks for the warning.
It has always been illegal to reuse stamps but this is the first time I have ever heard of AP being able to police it.
on 23-09-2016 03:56 PM
@lyndal1838 wrote:Ouch...that was an expensive lesson. Thanks for the warning.
It has always been illegal to reuse stamps but this is the first time I have ever heard of AP being able to police it.
I heard a rumour about AP using UV franking (or something like it) a while ago, looks like that rumour was true.....................
23-09-2016 04:09 PM - edited 23-09-2016 04:12 PM
I wouldn't consider the notion of doing such. It's stealing.
I also take the oldest date milk so nothing is wasted but see so may grab the ones at the back.
Or if something is partly broken, box damaged and doesn't make any difference I buy that one.
The cashies often say "Do you want to swap it for another?" I reply, "No I purposely took that one so it's used"
They usually smile and look at me as though I'm strange.
Doesn't everyone do the same ? Maybe I'm just too naive.
If I have seen unstamped stamps, I think well maybe everyone is being honest there is no need to stamp/frank them anymore.
It would be nice if we didn't need to spend so much of resources on what should be unecessary things.
on 23-09-2016 04:19 PM
Right that's fine. Reusing old stamps has always illegal, all good.
I can't understand this underhand way that AP has now adopted to catch people out, with fancy invisible franking and special UV filters to pick it up.
Pfft, if the stamps were franked invisibly, then why not frank them visibly as well, then people wouldn't attempt to reuse them.
Sounds like blatant revenue raising to me. Hope they can at least cover the cost of their expensive la-de-dah tricksy machines.
on 23-09-2016 04:23 PM
Norti, norti........they've been using an ultra violet light for yonks.
At least I knew that much
on 23-09-2016 04:35 PM
@kopenhagen5 wrote:
I wouldn't consider the notion of doing such. It's stealing.
I also take the oldest date milk so nothing is wasted but see so may grab the ones at the back.
Or if something is partly broken, box damaged and doesn't make any difference I buy that one.
The cashies often say "Do you want to swap it for another?" I reply, "No I purposely took that one so it's used"
They usually smile and look at me as though I'm strange.
Doesn't everyone do the same ? Maybe I'm just too naive.
If I have seen unstamped stamps, I think well maybe everyone is being honest there is no need to stamp/frank them anymore.
It would be nice if we didn't need to spend so much of resources on what should be unecessary things.
I always pick up the milk with the date that's ending soonest for the same reason. I know it will get used before the use by as we use a lot of milk. I will with other things too if I know I'm going to use them quick because there's so much wastage these days. When you see what's in their skip bins out the back it's criminal. Mr Tippy did garbage skip collection for awhile and he came home so angry at times at the blatant wastage. The cereal box or packet cake mix had a squashed corner, chuck it out. Could they not take them to the soup kitchen or charities that make up food hampers if there was nothing wrong with the contents? No, because then they can't claim it back.
As for reusing stamps, it's never crossed my mind. The only time I have ever soaked stamps off was when we were young and my brother got into stamp collecting. I think if you're that hard done by where you've got to try and reuse a $1 stamp, things are pretty grim. That's without getting into the legalities of it. I wonder if people think reuse is still acceptable if your surgeon decides to reuse a single use instrument? Or if a cafe decided to reuse a bread roll that someone didn't eat?
on 23-09-2016 04:58 PM
Just don't do it. It's dishonest. Maybe if everyone followed the rules and didn't try to rip of Aust Post all the time we wouldn't have to have these price increases. It's a two edged sword and it bites.
on 23-09-2016 05:03 PM
As for reusing stamps, it's never crossed my mind. The only time I have ever soaked stamps off was when we were young and my brother got into stamp collecting. I think if you're that hard done by where you've got to try and reuse a $1 stamp, things are pretty grim. That's without getting into the legalities of it. I wonder if people think reuse is still acceptable if your surgeon decides to reuse a single use instrument? Or if a cafe decided to reuse a bread roll that someone didn't eat?
When you receive a Large letter with 5 x $1.00 stamps that are unfranked, its natural you will try and use them which I Did and now regret it. I am only trying to warn People who sell and buy un-franked Stamps. eBay have 100's listed. I used to buy them ages ago but the prices were getting so high I could buy original with gum at 70% face value.
on 23-09-2016 06:00 PM
Someone said something about that like 2 years ago, I thought it was BS. Like others have said though it is illegal and adds to the cost of posting something. Not only that but the 100s of managers working for Aus Post might have to slow down on the pay rises with decreased revenue.
There are heaps of people selling unfranked stamps on ebay as "collectables".
On a side note I have been buying express post satchels on ebay and all the time they have $2 in stamps for the postage cost with a parcel post or express sticker on them, and they usually get hand delivered. They should be $5 to start with.
I sent something the other day in a 500g satchel that was over by 20g and didn't have a problem, usually I wouldn't do it but I couldn't be bothered re doing it.