What the hell is up with AusPost


It is now cheaper and faster to get deliveries from overseas. Good work AusPost for taking weeks to deliver packages (thats when they actully arrive)



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What the hell is up with AusPost

Hey Shoptilludroptara,

I'd be happy to see if I can find out more information about the delivery of your item, do you have a tracking number I could check?

Please feel free to call us on 13 13 18 if you have any questions or concerns.

Australia Post eBay Store Team Member
Message 31 of 104
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What the hell is up with AusPost

Hey again,

If you would like us to have a look in to this please give us a call on 13 13 18, or email us at https://contactus.auspost.com.au/app/ask to launch an investigation.

Kind regards,

Australia Post eBay Store Team Member
Message 32 of 104
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What the hell is up with AusPost

Hi cutegrlcat,

Please contact us if you have any concerns or enquiries, I can understand how frustrating it is not to receive all of your mail.

Australia Post's phone number is 13 13 18, or you can email us here: https://contactus.auspost.com.au/app/ask

Many thanks,

Australia Post eBay Store Team Member
Message 33 of 104
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What the hell is up with AusPost

Hi Bradcon02,

I can understand how tricky it is for both the buyer and the seller when an item does not turn up as expected.

If you ever have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us- you can call us on 13 13 18, by email at https://contactus.auspost.com.au/app/ask, or on Facebook or Twiiter. We'll be happy to help.

Thanks again,

Australia Post eBay Store Team Member
Message 34 of 104
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What the hell is up with AusPost

Hi small-things-grow,

If you're having problems with your deliveries please rest assured we're here to help. Please give us a ring on 13 13 18, email us through our website here https://contactus.auspost.com.au/app/ask, or contact us on Facebook or Twitter so that we can work towards investigating your complaint 🙂

Furthermore, Street Posting Boxes (SPBs) have no ability to scan your parcels, as they are simply a box meant to make lodgement more convenient for you. Our website advises that your items can be posted in a red SPB, or if you require proof of posting (a lodgement scan) you can post them over the counter at our retail outlets.

I hope this clarifies the matter for you, please let us know if there is anything else you need.

Kind regards,

Australia Post eBay Store Team Member
Message 35 of 104
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What the hell is up with AusPost

Hi 1sweetap6v8

To clarify, while Australia Post is wholly government owned, we are not a tax payer funded company. We receive no allocation of funds from the Australia government. Rather we return funds to the Australia government (and the Australian community) through the payment of an annual dividend and the payment of taxes. Over the past 20 years, Australia Post has paid more that $8 billion in taxes and returned dividends of more than $4 billion to the government. Australia Post operates in an incredibly competitive landscape, particularly in the area of parcel delivery.

I hope this clears things up, please let us know if you are having any problems by calling us on 13 13 18, or by email here: https://contactus.auspost.com.au/app/ask

Kind regards,

Australia Post eBay Store Team Member
Message 36 of 104
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What the hell is up with AusPost

OH Mr Australia post that was a nice try to change gears but im a little bit more clued on , It was ORIGINALLY run and funded buy the government for the people and was suppose to deliver premium service for the best possible cost out come. It was changed I think in the 80s so that the government could not only sherk there responsibility to the people finacially but to not only save all what was originally used to help fund Aust Post  but to also make it a money spinner and maximise revenue collection. So from a government run facility for the people paid for with the peoples taxes to not using any tax funds and massive yearly profits to boot after all the costs also were and are paid to run said Aust Post opperations.


So we the tax payers still get charged taxes for said utilities etc even though there fully funded via public funds anyway.


Not a good look now is it.



Message 37 of 104
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What the hell is up with AusPost

OH and Mrs or Miss Cricket yes thats right any money and that would be hundreds of millions not just any money is extracted via inflated fee,s.  

That once were never charged for are now not only saving the gov millions in running costs of said service AP but generating a nice little money spinner taken from yours mine and everyone elses pockets this means millions will not be spent in the community and allowed to flow but pulled of the streets in to GENRAL REVENUE streams and used for what ever the pollies fill fit to spend it on. And a fair wack finds its way to them. 

Now we already pay income tax GST inflated commodities and you want to play the community fiddle for AP. Are you out of your mind or just blind.  Those millions and many other billions are needed to flow threw the community not to governemnt coffers they already take more than  ther fair share but to store owners who pay employees and then who feed children who then grow up to do the same and all the time they would still be collecting either income taxes or GST %10 while left in circulation,not just  to go in some snout snorting trough for some pig to gobble up on rubbish like $5  all you can eat gormey breakfasts or a lovely people paid holiday. Think it dont happen open your eyes and see whats really going on follow the money trail you will be amazed how they fool you.


There is no need for government to make profit it extracts taxes to do what is need for the community worse thing ever was to allow gov to run as a PROFIT organisasion they now do not know when enough is enough . They have now dug a hole that will be very difficult to get out of if at all.

Message 38 of 104
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What the hell is up with AusPost

How's it going, Clive?


Haven't you started your new job yet?

Message 39 of 104
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What the hell is up with AusPost




bring back the good 'ol days eh?


Where the post was delivered by horse and cart by men in stockings and satin and they had to ride their trustee steeds across barren sunburned deserts without even a drop of water to quench their thirst....


Those were the good ol' days. eh?


When men were men and the government was honest....

Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 40 of 104
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