What the...


I sold a business shirt. A white business shirt. 


I've just gotten a message complaining that the shirt is the wrong SHADE of white! Her idea of white is the crisp white, the one with a slight blue tint. The shirt was flat white (she is calling it cream).


Am I really supposed to just refund money because she wanted a different shade of white? 


This is the second one this week that, as far as I can tell, is angling for a partial refund/discount. This is getting ridiculous. 

Message 1 of 42
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What the...


The funny thing is, you have the shirt hanging up against what I would call a Cream wall / background !!!


To me, that shirt looks White as I would expect a white shirt to look.




Oh, by the way, I think your iron needs replacing or did your maid go on strike Smiley Tongue

 (Alternatively, have you tried putting some water in it, setting it to steam and turning it on ! LOL)


Message 11 of 42
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What the...

Agree with you Greencat, i dont know how any one is willing to sell anymore, just before the new rules came in i decided not to sell, and did a post on the selling board, the thing that put the icing on the cake was the post got moved to the spring seller thing board.

I thought "suss"
*we may be human, but we are still animals*
Message 12 of 42
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What the...

Email sent: 


"I'm sorry the shade of white was not what you were after. It sounds like you were looking for crisp white, which is actually made by giving it a very slight blue tint, while the shirt I sent, I believe, was flat white. Photos should never be considered colour accurate due to the different colour settings of different monitors. It might be worth nothing, in future, if you are looking for a specific shade of colour that it is worth asking the seller for more information before purchase. Any colour description can take in a wide variety of shades within a single term. However, I will take your feedback under advisement, and begin differentiating between crisp white and flat white in my men's shirts listings.

What can I do to help resolve this issue?"




What I will probably do is what I have taken to doing for buyers looking for freebies/discounts. I will offer to either refund 50% of the item cost (in this case $4) and they can keep it. That means I am not out any money, fees, item cost, etc are still covered, just less/no profit. Or I will offer full refund on return of item, but I am really hesitant to let anyone return things now, because they will tell ebay it was my fault and ebay will have me cop the return postage cost. So I am banking on the idea they actually want to keep the item, and will take a partial. It sucks and it's unfair, they're getting exactly what they want, a discount. I'd prefer to just say 'ok please return at your expense for full refund' with no partial offered, but with the new money back garuntee system, that relies on the buyer being honest enough to say they changed their mind, which they wont be. They'll say item not as described, and the postage cost will be put on my invoice automatically. Damn I hate ebay sometimes. In what world does it make sense for the seller to be out BOTH lots of postage based on a buyer being honest. 

Message 13 of 42
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What the...

@van_werkhoven wrote:


I sold a business shirt. A white business shirt. 


I've just gotten a message complaining that the shirt is the wrong SHADE of white! Her idea of white is the crisp white, the one with a slight blue tint. The shirt was flat white (she is calling it cream).


Am I really supposed to just refund money because she wanted a different shade of white? 


This is the second one this week that, as far as I can tell, is angling for a partial refund/discount. This is getting ridiculous. 

She was very obviously looking for :


'A whiter shade of pale'.

Message 14 of 42
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What the...

Hi there,


You sold a white shirt.


Your buyer means Cool White ( Has a blue tinge) ( Also called natural white)


Warm White has a yellow tinge often called cream.


I think flat white refers to a coffee ( The one you drink not the colour.)


So if your shirt does not have a blue or yellow tinge then your description is correct.


I would advise the buyer of the difference in whites and because it had no tinge you did not decribe it as cool or warm white but straight white.


Good luck.







Message 15 of 42
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What the...

@aps1080 wrote:


Oh, by the way, I think your iron needs replacing or did your maid go on strike Smiley Tongue

 (Alternatively, have you tried putting some water in it, setting it to steam and turning it on ! LOL)


I wash, hang and fold but don't iron before selling, it might lose me a few sales due to creases in the photos but it saves me a LOT of time, and as a stay at home mum that makes a big difference for me. I don't think the number of extra sales would be worth the amount of extra time for me. I've made a few choices like that which I know will give fewer sales but will slash the time taken per item to list, and for me and my system and lifestyle, that's what works here. Right now, washing, photographing, sorting and listing I think it takes me about 10 minutes per item total. Ironing would raise that by, like, 50%, but I seriously doubt it would raise my sales by more than 10% or 20%. It works out better for me to list more items with lower salethrough rate than less items with slightly higher chance of selling.


Plus, I am actually legally blind, and the last time I ironed I misjudged the distance and placed it directly on my hand. I don't touch irons anymore, and no one wants to iron all my ebay listings for me!


Of somewhere around 500 items sold in the past 8 months since I began selling again, I have never once had a complaint about lack of ironing so it doesn't seem to be a big deal.

Message 16 of 42
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What the...


I was just joking, hence the sticky tongue out face !

Hope you didn't take offence.

It just happened to be topical as I went over to my GF's this morning to drive her and her son to the station and she got the ironing board out to iron his trousers but with everyone running late for the train, I ended up doing the ironing !!! LOL

Now don't get the wrong impression, I am not becoming a SNAG !
Message 17 of 42
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What the...

You SNAG you.Smiley Tongue

Message 18 of 42
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Smiley LOL


My mother will have a heart attack if she found out !



Message 19 of 42
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If I may offer my usual suggestion....


Message 20 of 42
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