on 21-01-2019 10:30 PM
on 24-01-2019 10:39 PM
on 24-01-2019 11:02 PM
As I said, Uber (or taxi or car) could eat up your profits. If your expenses match or exceed your income, the ATO could well look askance.
You couldn't claim against your house anyway, as you aren't paying anything for it. There would be nothing to deduct against.
Oh yeah, the disclaimers.
on 25-01-2019 08:36 AM
@davewil1964 wrote:As I said, Uber (or taxi or car) could eat up your profits. If your expenses match or exceed your income, the ATO could well look askance.
You couldn't claim against your house anyway, as you aren't paying anything for it. There would be nothing to deduct against.
Oh yeah, the disclaimers.
Many businesses run at a loss during the establishment phase. The ATO have in the past acknowledged this on their website as one of the indicators mentioned in relation to " are you running a business " was that " you are, or intend in the future to make a profit from your trading activity."
I suspect if many ebay sellers ran a full and frank ruler over their businesses, including things such as stock purchased that never sells etc. many would not make a profit. Heck I,ve got a shipping container full of stuff purchased that I havnt sold yet. I,ve basically been running my ebay business for two years without making any major stock purchases and its going to take a few more years to clear it all out.
I used to buy complete lines of stock from businesses that had closed down at fire sale prices from people who just wanted it gone. I would sell a few choice items to get my money back and then start the slow grind of working my way through the rest. It probably doesnt owe me anything, but there is still a lot of value tied up in the stock.
Car or travel expenses are a legitimate part of any business and the ATO will not blink an eye at claims for legitimate travel expenses. When filing your tax lodgement ask yourself one simple question..............