Why are sellers describing refurbished or opened and used mobile phones as NEW!!??

Community Member

Hi ebay, Ive noticed several sellers describing mobile phones as NEW when they are refurbished, locked onto a network, opened and used for a little while, It seems they are younger ebay users who do not understand their responsibilities. Come on ebay do something about it!! Electronic items described as NEW should be that new and unused. Thanks 








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Re: Why are sellers describing refurbished or opened and used mobile phones as NEW!!??

Mines 4.7 inch screen, and no windows (or curtains for that matter ๐Ÿ˜‰   )

*we may be human, but we are still animals*
Message 11 of 26
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Re: Why are sellers describing refurbished or opened and used mobile phones as NEW!!??

i do like my big windows, i can look out at the sea during wild storms, see ships comming in to dock at the jetty and get nice winter sun to get free heating on cold days.


do not like cleaning them tho. nothing worse than a huge seagull poo in the middle of you view.

Message 12 of 26
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Re: Why are sellers describing refurbished or opened and used mobile phones as NEW!!??

You don't need a smart TV to hook up your PC to it, just a spare video input port on the back (DVI, HDMI or VGA is good enough, although not many TVs seem to have a DVI connector, but you can convert DVI to HDMI with an adaptor). I have used the VGA port on my TV since it was new, which should work up to 1680x1050 (or 1600x1200 in the old 4:3 scale - not sure about "full HD" 1080p / 1920x1080) - note that some TVs have an anti-feature built in to artificially limit HD resolutions in order to make you buy an actual PC monitor (my old Hisense LCD TV is one such unit - it maxes out at 1400x1050 despite being a 1680x1050 panel and saying it's 1920x1080 on the front of the TV! Any higher resolution simply gets squashed to fit or Windows does its mouse-at-edge-of-screen scrolling)
Message 13 of 26
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Re: Why are sellers describing refurbished or opened and used mobile phones as NEW!!??

I didn't know any of this. I've just checked my new TV - it's a Panasonic 100cm LED (TH40C400A), and apparently there are 2 HDMI terminals, but there is still the problem of the computer being in a different room. My internet connection is via cable, and I think there is an outlet near the TV, so will have to investigate further.

Message 14 of 26
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Re: Why are sellers describing refurbished or opened and used mobile phones as NEW!!??

You can get very long HDMI cables. I think mines about 6m.

Message 15 of 26
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Re: Why are sellers describing refurbished or opened and used mobile phones as NEW!!??

I must admit I can't see the point of hooking the TV up as a monitor (no matter how long the cable) if you need to keep sticking your head around the corner to see what the computer is displaying.

Message 16 of 26
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Re: Why are sellers describing refurbished or opened and used mobile phones as NEW!!??

Do you mean to connect the computer from where it is now to the TV? I would need quite a lot longer than 6m.

Message 17 of 26
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Re: Why are sellers describing refurbished or opened and used mobile phones as NEW!!??

I was only doing it while I was waiting for my new laptop screen to arrive. It took 3 long weeks to arrive from Qld! Took me 20 minutes to install it. I think I could have walked there and back quicker! Sometimes I'll still hook it up if there's videos on my HDD that I want to watch on the larger screen, but most of the time these days I don't worry about it.

Message 18 of 26
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Re: Why are sellers describing refurbished or opened and used mobile phones as NEW!!??

@davewil1964 wrote:

I must admit I can't see the point of hooking the TV up as a monitor (no matter how long the cable) if you need to keep sticking your head around the corner to see what the computer is displaying.

I don't understand.  If you use the TV as the monitor, why do you need to

stick your head around the corner?


My tower is in a cupboard.  I don't need to look at it.


Eggles, if you have a cable connection, move the tower to the TV


I also have wi-fi for other devices

Message 19 of 26
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Re: Why are sellers describing refurbished or opened and used mobile phones as NEW!!??

I suppose if you want to use a mouse or keyboard?


Or do they run on extension leads as well?

Message 20 of 26
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