Why do Australian Sellers not leave feed back as soon as payment is made?

Why do Australian Sellers not leave feed back as soon as payment is made?

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Re: Why do Australian Sellers not leave feed back as soon as payment is made?


Why do Australian Sellers not leave feed back as soon as payment is made?

why when i leave feedback as soon as a buyer has paid do buyers not bother leaving me glowing feedback when they get their item?

and i do leave feedback 95% when i'm doing the printing out a copy of the order to put in the box.


its because its an option not a requirement.


i dont have to but i do


they dont have to and often dont.

Message 11 of 40
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Re: Why do Australian Sellers not leave feed back as soon as payment is made?

I don't think it matters when sellers leave feedback.  In my experience most sellers leave feedback and it's often the high volume ones that do right away.  Many smaller sellers wait for me to leave feedback first.  I'm happy with either...and I like to leave feedback too.  If a seller provides good service, other buyers should know.

Message 12 of 40
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Re: Why do Australian Sellers not leave feed back as soon as payment is made?

Why do you care?


You have over a thousand of them, so you won't encounter restrictions for low feedback . You can't eat it or sell it, so how much is enough?


Feedback for sellers actually means something, so why don't buyers (often the ones who want it for themselves) leave it? I used to average about 70% left vis a vis sales, these days it's less than 50%.


And, yes, I leave feedback for all my buyers. As buyers feedback is meaningless, in that it can only be positive, my leaving it is the same.

Message 13 of 40
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Re: Why do Australian Sellers not leave feed back as soon as payment is made?


Why do you care?


You have over a thousand of them, so you won't encounter restrictions for low feedback . You can't eat it or sell it, so how much is enough?


Feedback for sellers actually means something, so why don't buyers (often the ones who want it for themselves) leave it? I used to average about 70% left vis a vis sales, these days it's less than 50%.


And, yes, I leave feedback for all my buyers. As buyers feedback is meaningless, in that it can only be positive, my leaving it is the same.

I look on it as saying thank you so I don't think it's totally meaningless.

Message 14 of 40
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Re: Why do Australian Sellers not leave feed back as soon as payment is made?

Why don't buyers leave feedbacck ever?

This year I left 140 and got 40 - it is getting worse but ebay is a community.

Message 15 of 40
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Re: Why do Australian Sellers not leave feed back as soon as payment is made?

My feedback is automated positive as soon as a buyer pays for an item.  I consider a buyer has fulfilled their part of the transaction once an item is paid. The percentage of buyers who may provide false or unfair feedback is so low that I would not compromise what I consider best seller practice by holding off on feedback until after a buyer provides it. Many of my repeat buyers have commented positively on receiving feedback as soon as payment is made - maybe that is one of the reasons they are repeat buyers. I am not concerned whatsoever if a buyer does not provide feedback - I have provided feedback for over 40,000 transactions and received about 25,000. 


Sellers have different approaches to this and other aspects of service which is the way it should be, based on their individual experiences. But sometimes we can miss out on repeat buyers by treating all buyers like bad buyers.

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Re: Why do Australian Sellers not leave feed back as soon as payment is made?


Why do Australian Sellers not leave feed back as soon as payment is made?

I used to think like that back in about 2004 whenever I bought things.

But it was an easier, more black & white situation back then. I had paid & that was the end of it, except for leaving them feedback.

The seller had the money, I couldn't get it back no matter what happened, even if I never got my item, even if the seller sent the wrong thing or took a month of Sundays to post it off. No such thing as paypal then, so payment was the whole story.


So I saw it as a form of coercion in that some sellers of that time obviously held off in case you gave a neutral or neg so they could hit the buyer with same.


Fast forward to today. Different story completely. The payment is only the start. Buyers can (and some do) abuse the ebay & paypal conditions. They will wear clothes then demand a refund or they'll claim things didn't arrive when they really did or they... well, there are a dozen dodgy things they can do to claw back some or all of their money.


So a seller has a right to wait to see what happens-does the parcel arrive safely, does the buyer seem like a reasonable, honst person? If things go wrong and a seller suspects they have been scammed, it is better that they have not already given positive feedback to a scammer, that just pushes their total up & makes them, at first glance, look more reliable. best to keep their totals low unless they earn them honestly.


Message 17 of 40
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Re: Why do Australian Sellers not leave feed back as soon as payment is made?



This year I left 140 and got 40 - it is getting worse but ebay is a community.

On this ID ?  I think not, you've left 41 and received 36....................... 


"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 18 of 40
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Re: Why do Australian Sellers not leave feed back as soon as payment is made?

These days, buyers forget that they have bought from eBay sellers.....they buy online all the time....it's of no consequence elsewhere
Message 19 of 40
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Re: Why do Australian Sellers not leave feed back as soon as payment is made?


 sometimes we can miss out on repeat buyers by treating all buyers like bad buyers.

How is not leaving feedback upon payment treating someone like a bad buyer, though?  To me that's making a few too many presumptions about the motivations behind someone else's decisions, and still plays into the suggestion that buyers are owed positive feedback and sellers are just withholding it in a "wait and see" scenario if they don't leave it on payment. There's nothing outward that should suggest that, and it's also a bit like thinking when I go into a store and see a big sign up saying something like "Shoplifters will be prosecuted", automatically assuming they think all customers are thieves...  Smiley Tongue


As we can see from a few posts in this thread, FB for buyers is interpreted in a few different ways - eg it's meaningless [likely because so many people do leave it upon payment, which is the bare minimum amount of participation a buyer needs to have in a transaction], or it's a way of saying thanks, but both of those are subjective viewpoints and neither relate to what feedback is (or was) intended for in the strictest sense (i.e. it's an evaluation of a transaction, and how can one properly evaluate a transaction until the transaction is concluded, which doesn't happen until after the buyer receives an item and there needs to be no further input from either party. That doesn't have to mean the seller is waiting just in case the buyer turns out to be a jerk, maybe they actually just place a higher value on FB and want it to be more than a "thanks for the cash" kind of insta-comment). I get that there's not much more you can say beyond that in a lot of transactions, but the potential is there if sellers wait. 


As always, for full disclosure, I leave FB manually after payment but before postage*, and don't much care if or when a seller leaves it for me as a buyer, so it's not like I'm arguing for the practices I personally engage in. 









* purely because I absolutely loathe being asked for feedback. It doesn't eliminate it, either, as some people still send messages asking for it even though I already left it days ago. Ergo, (and I'm not ashamed to admit this) some also view FB upon payment as a token gesture that placates above anything else. I will leave personalised comments for people I know or regulars, or those I've worked with closely on custom orders (if I picked up on their purchase when leaving FB, since I do it in bulk), but by and large I leave it first because I just don't want to be bothered with "where's me feedback, mate?" BS. 

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