on 12-12-2013 01:45 PM
How are people selling brand new Unopened boxes of Woolworths cards on Ebay
This happened last time the cards were out.
The public and paying Woolies customers cannot physically buy a unopened box from Woolworths or anywhere legally.
Doesn't someone other than myself think that they are being stolen, possibly before they hit the stores...IE the loading docks.
I have rang woolworths head office and they don't seem to care.
One of the reasons they ran out last time, was because thousands upon thousands of UNOPENED BOXES were being
sold on bay.
C'mon Woolies!!!
People like me have to spend $20 to get a few cards, and somehow people across Australia have Full Complete Unopened boxes.
If they aren't being stolen, then where, other than ebay, can we buy a full box????
on 13-12-2013 09:22 PM
on 20-12-2013 08:01 AM
i'm not taking the collection of these cards seriously...
I'm taking the theft of goods, seriously.
If someone can suggest any other way these people get these boxes of cards.....suggest away
...please......... the suggestion that the company gave them boxes upon boxes is not believable
on 20-12-2013 08:24 AM
on 20-12-2013 08:59 AM
The printers don't just print the exact number of cards that Woolworths require. There would be print over-runs for a start.
on 20-12-2013 12:27 PM
on 21-12-2013 01:05 PM
on 21-12-2013 02:19 PM
some places have accounts set up with Woolworths (or Coles) to get their produce for things such as functions, nursing homes,,,,,
big orders,,,, a few a week.....
they get given a couple of boxes of the cards in their orders when they are delivered.
on 22-12-2013 01:25 AM
on 22-12-2013 01:48 AM
*lists some woolies cards*
on 22-12-2013 01:49 AM
OK. Just did a re-check. I lied. It's added an extra 3000 listings to the category.
Thing is, Woolworths printed cards back in the 60's & 70's. These are the ones
collectors want. Not the new rubbish. The new rubbish has to wait for a whole
new generation in 50 years to be worth anything.
Ah, I remember, not so long ago, when the woolies category had 20 - 30 listings.
Those were the days, my friend...oh,yes, those were the days
Sorry, mind wandering.