Wording/spacing when listing affects search results

Today I went to list a new cushion cover with a Kimmi Doll design. Before I made the listing I did a search for Kimmi Doll and made an interesting discovery (for me at least). When people search for "Kimmi Doll", they get 225 listings. when they search for "Kimmidoll", they get 415+ listings. I didn't realise that just a single space could make such a difference.


One would think that the system would simply pick up (K I M M I D O L L) as a sequence/string as display all the results.


I put both options in my heading, but it looks a bit awkward.

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Wording/spacing when listing affects search results

A few years ago I sold a Tiger Eye bangle that I no longer wanted. There are 4 different ways people can search for it, each term giving different results. It looked weird, but I listed all 4 ways in the title. Tiger Eye, Tigereye, Tigers Eye and Tiger's Eye. I figured when most people search using keywords, it didn't really matter what the title looked like as long as I had each term covered.

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Wording/spacing when listing affects search results

Honored Contributor

That's nothing.....


swapcards - 362 listings


swap cards - 28,414 listings


Now that's a difference!

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Wording/spacing when listing affects search results

and then there are the spelling errors


the one place you must not make a spelling error, it the title


one letter in the wrong place and your views are nil

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Wording/spacing when listing affects search results

For those who make spelling errors in the title, they'll still get views from those who enter the search term with the same errors. 

Smiley Tongue

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Wording/spacing when listing affects search results

and dyslexic people i guess.

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Wording/spacing when listing affects search results

The humble 'S' can make a huge difference, too.


With some words, it doesn't matter at all though, so it's really inconsistent.


For example, you can type charm or charms and get the same result (same for pendant(s), and cushion cover(s) as well in case you wanted to test it 😄 ), while other craft supply items you'll only get results for the one you type, eg setting won't return results for settings and vice versa. 


And yet, if you type butterflies necklace, you get all the results with butterfly necklace


Spaces are valid characters, though, in terms of search, so it has to make a difference, especially when it's a trademark or something but it's made up of words that are in common usage.


In the case of 2+ words that have variations, you only need to have any repeated words once (eg with tippy's example, you'd put all the variations of tiger in the title, including tigereye, then eye just the once). 

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