buyer wanted refund and extra money

buyer slander and blackmailed me and ask more money for the return of my scarf

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buyer wanted refund and extra money

If what you sold was not as described, then you're required to pay the return postage - simples.

Message 2 of 5
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buyer wanted refund and extra money

Have you tried reporting your red feedback?

Message 3 of 5
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buyer wanted refund and extra money

Honored Contributor

Why did you refund without the item being returned to you?


Now they have their money back and the scarf.

Message 4 of 5
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buyer wanted refund and extra money

Community Member

The OP's negative  feedback  (words)  have been removed and the OP's lucky enough to have received 


8  positive  eBay automated Feedback.


This thread is an opportunity to remind sellers that if they're not selling genuine items, there can be  serious consequences.


This applies to ALL IDs associated with an account holder ,  whether they're registered or  unregistered   (by eBay)

Message 5 of 5
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