chanel products

Hello i have just sold some chanel products. All the products have chanel on them and state made in france. I sold them because they were cool tones and im warm tones. There were no misconceptions on my part. Now the buyer says they are not authenticated and wants a refund plus charge me postage return. I feel this is so wrong..the pictures i dusplayed is what she got. If i dont refund my name is tarnished. I have done nothing misleading. I offered $20 refund and she can keep products. I only charged $60 for all 5 products. I need help here. Do i have rights?? Sandy thorp 

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Re: chanel products

Hi padi,


My conversation was exactly two days ago. We got cut off, so the main supervisor rang me straight back especially, just to clarify their policy on that - if the buyers claim something is fake.

I have also pointed out some cases, from memory, that I have read on the boards, as well as newspaper articles - he told me that has all changed, they don't automatically support the buyers, no matter what!

I have also read on the boards recently where one buyer of some dress didn't win at all - and chances are there are heaps more - those that don't come to the boards.

There is nothing stopping OP calling Ebay - just to see if she gets a different version to what I was told.

Message 11 of 13
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Re: chanel products

fixn, that is good news, if they are actually going to adhere to what the supervisor told you, I'll reserve my opinion until I see a few buyers and sellers come to the boards with their results on that.


TBH I'm sceptical that they will start to favor the sellers more than they have (a pityfully small percentage of the times) since the MBG first came out. 


"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 12 of 13
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Re: chanel products

A classic case of eBay saying all the right things to purport to be objective and non-biased with regards to sellers/buyers. However in the real world we all know how these disputes almost invariably pan out!

Message 13 of 13
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