eBay fees nearly 20% total

I have been selling on eBay for more than 12 years and this year is don’t make profit at all through eBay, because of covid the sale went down and their fees went up so much. As the don’t use PayPal they charge fees total to 20%. So we have to be aware of their fee before selling. Thinking that they are cheap things to buy on eBay, we cannot do it anymore . We have to sale extra 20% to cover the fee they charge. It’s ridiculous. I may think to quit eBay for good. Because you are working for them instead for your self. 

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eBay fees nearly 20% total

@p9games wrote:

>>> The upshot. ........Those who complain that it is becoming more expensive to sell on ebay are factually correct and those who claim it is not the case are simply providing " verifiably false " information.


Since the introduction of Managed Payments the fees are about the same, or lower in most instances.  Additionally, having infinite insertions saves me several hundred dollars a month in insertion fees.  The convenience of weekly payouts direct to bank account makes everything much simpler.  Payments are like clockwork and I don't have to deal with Paypal which is fantastic.


The % being taken by Ebay has not materially changed, so Ebay posting results showing an increase in revenue simply means more sales via the platform.   That's good for sellers. Actually, it's great for sellers and undercuts the narrative from individual sellers whining about decreasing in sales blaming the platform rather than their own practices.

While I dont have any issues with your posts ( you are one of the more rational posters who genuinely tries to offer sound advice ) this statement is unfortunately completely inaccurate. In the same stock exchange report, eBay advised the market that its online sales over the preceding 3 months where down 10%.  Yep you read correctly DOWN 10% in the preceding three months. Buyer numbers where also down by 5% while seller numbers where stable. So obviously the same number of sellers but 10% less sales means many sellers are perfectly justified in claiming their sales are down. Its not whining, its simply stating facts ( something that is becoming pretty rare on these forums  lately )

Sellers leaving the platform are in for a rude shock when they realise having their own website costs more than 13% when you factor in design, software and marketing costs.  Amazon fees are higher and no other market place is as sophisticated in terms of API and software compatibility.

I completely agree, Despite its many failings, eBay is still the best gig in town.


Ebay provide a huge marketplace with decades of brand equity.  It is a highly mature marketplace in terms of software integration.  Traffic, buyers and sales are up. 

No they are not. That may be your personal opinion and maybe your experience, but it does not correlate with what ebay itself is reporting about the site overall. They are saying buyer numbers and sales are falling very quickly. 


13% is not unreasonable at all.  I welcome them tightening up customer service metrics.  The platform benefits from weeding out the rat and mice sellers which detract from the platform and negatively impact genuine sellers.


I agree to an extent. The problem is that those you refer to as " rat and mice sellers " ( small sellers ) are often regular buyers, returning the money from items sold back into the system, supporting larger sellers.  If you " weed out the rat and mice sellers ", you will find buyer numbers will fall away even faster than they are at the moment. This is one of the hurdles ebay faces in making major structural change to the site.


If you don't like the platform leave.  But if you expect the grass to be greener elsewhere you are likely to be in for a shock


 I,m not stating a position on whether I like the system or not. I,m simply injecting some much needed facts into the thread to counter the inaccurate and sometimes very rude responses that have been a feature of this thread. 


So what is my position on ebay........ Despite its obvious flaws its still the best place to run a small online business by a very long way. I am currently restructuring my personal financial affairs ( getting ready for retirement including buying another rental house ) and as a result will not really need income from ebay in the future but will continue to sell here in some capacity as I enjoy what I do. But ultimately that is on my terms. If ebay becomes too hard to get on with and too expensive, I wont need it and have other options. Its a nice position to be in after relying

on ebay for a major portion of my income for over a decade.


Anyway gotta go...........I,ve got restructuring to attend too.



Message 11 of 50
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eBay fees nearly 20% total

Sales volume is irrelevant to the fees charged. My sales are down more than 60%, but my fee percentage doesn't change. If I have a shop I'm charged 13.4%, if I don't have one, I'm charged 14.5%, whether I sell one item a month or several hundred.

Message 12 of 50
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eBay fees nearly 20% total

Per Ebay inc's website the Q4 results are out on the 23rd of Feb.  I assume you are referring to the Q3 results which indeed showed a decline of 10%.  I've only scanned them, but I can not see any breakdown by country and nothing specific to Australia.  Does a closer reading reveal Australia specific data?


An global decline of 10% in Q3 means little for us, given the time lag and the fact there doesn't appear to be any country specific data.


In any case, I stand corrected on my assertion that business is up on Ebay Australia as I have no data to support that assertion.  I do however stand by my position that the fee structure on Ebay is reasonable and that the market is the best in Australia if a seller wants to dive into selling without a huge upfront (or indeed ongoing) expense.


Message 13 of 50
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eBay fees nearly 20% total

Is there any particular reason why you didn't consider fees pre-COVID? Is there any particular reason why you can't do simple maths to determine you actual fees?


Is there any particular reason why you are posting verifiably false information on the boards?

No sympathy from me


Is there any particular reason why you claim my claims are inaccurate, but don't provide proof of 20% fees?


You claim to not target specific members, but you continually target me. MY fees aren't 20% and nowhere in the fee structure (except for poorly performing sellers) is there any way that fees would be close to 20%.

Message 14 of 50
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eBay fees nearly 20% total

Thank you for the very relevant information.

All too often there are % breakdowns shown on here coming down to the .1% etc. Which in of itself shows that the eBay selling model is continually being squeezed for that bit more. As is business most often.

Often overlooked is the value for money. It's my experience that as the fees have gone up the specific services, support and assurances that selling via eBay offers sellers has gone down.  An example :  with eBay managed payments taking direct PayPal receipt of payments away from sellers in many scenarios, sellers no longer have the PayPal protections in place, which over time for me have proven much more reliable than that of eBay seller protections. I found during a recent chargeback that eBay was handling against my account that whilst local eBay supervisors and management personnel were buttering me up and telling me I have nothing to worry about and they are/will do everything on my behalf, the financial institution handling the chargeback were stating that eBay simply weren't responding to their request for information throughout the investigation process and given such could only find against me due to lack of response, and evidence.

Over the last year I have also experienced their listed items searches to be more sketchy than ever before, not always being able to find items I have listed when doing a general search. This was never an issue before.

If I pay +/- .5%  but then get substantially less for what I do pay, then I call that more costly.

The statistics you have quoted from business reports speak volumes. I just wish they were repeated on here as often as info like the individual sale % breakdowns trying to convince sellers that we're all better off under current arrangements, or to prove them wrong.

eBay tell the sellers they change things to make it easy for them, offer more protection, and for better streamlined services, whilst telling their shareholders they do it to increase profitability. The records show their profitability has increased and my experiences have me knowing I am getting less for what I am charged. I can't deny that.

Message 15 of 50
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eBay fees nearly 20% total

@p9games wrote:

Per Ebay inc's website the Q4 results are out on the 23rd of Feb.  I assume you are referring to the Q3 results which indeed showed a decline of 10%. 

Correct, as per my post the Q3 results are the latest information available from eBay at the moment.


I've only scanned them, but I can not see any breakdown by country and nothing specific to Australia.  Does a closer reading reveal Australia specific data?

No country specific data, but ebay is a global sales platform with international sales available to almost every seller who wants to go down that path. Before COVID postal delays, international sales made up 30% of my total sales.


An global decline of 10% in Q3 means little for us, given the time lag and the fact there doesn't appear to be any country specific data.

It is supported by the many sellers who have come to the boards recently expressing concerns ( not whinging )  about declines in their sales.


In any case, I stand corrected on my assertion that business is up on Ebay Australia as I have no data to support that assertion.  I do however stand by my position that the fee structure on Ebay is reasonable and that the market is the best in Australia if a seller wants to dive into selling without a huge upfront (or indeed ongoing) expense.

Not a lot of argument from me about that opinion.



Message 16 of 50
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eBay fees nearly 20% total

I didnt change a single word of your post, I simply highlighted it. If you dont want your posts highlighted in red so that everyone takes notice of them and actually reads them, dont post in such a derogatory way towards new posters. ( or longer term posters for that matter ) 


As for the 20% fee thing, ebay store fees are not shown in the breakdown of % fees paid in the sales metrics. A basic store costs approx $27.45 GST incl. Added to the approx. 13% basic FVF and managed payment costs any basic store seller  who is not selling more than $300 per month will be paying over 20% in basic fees to ebay without allowing for any of the extra add ons. " Simple maths "  as you call it !

Message 17 of 50
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eBay fees nearly 20% total

If you check your payouts from eBay it will reveal the % charged.

Click on "view" next to the description in payout and the breakdown is clearly shown.

Not sure if this is something new or around for a while but I now check every payment sent/received and have been pleasantly surprised.  

Message 18 of 50
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eBay fees nearly 20% total

Also Biodegradable or Compostable items could give you a head start in the market place as a point of difference.

Really think that Plastics are on their way out. 

Good luck with whatever you choose to do.  

Message 19 of 50
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eBay fees nearly 20% total

Community Member

For me, it's about 19%, not including the costing on bad buyer. For my category, I see there is a big price advantage on Amazon because eBay takes too much and tolerant the bad buyer(the costing will shares on all buyer).

Message 20 of 50
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