how to get more buyers to look at my listings

I have been wondering how I can get more people to view my listings.Atm I seem to only get on average maybe 5 people per listing per 7 day cycle on most items.Maybe I have made some mistakes in the titles I dont know.I dont think its the prices.Is it the photos or is my vintage clothing just boring and no one is into it.Sometimes I am lucky if i sell 5 things a month.If anyone can help that would be great.Thanks in advance if anyone helps.

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Re: how to get more buyers to look at my listings

Agree with DG on her definition of vintage.
It means something of quality produced in a particular era, especially wine. The "vin" part of the word is French meaning wine actually.
It is normally also associated with a high quality item from a particular era or specific time.
Hence you could say 80's vintage.
Some mispent years living in the Barossa normally conjures up quality wine when I hear the word vintage. LOL
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Re: how to get more buyers to look at my listings

I just did a search of the term " vintage"  in the clothing catagory. I get 1,017552 listings coming up. I then did a search of the term " vintage " in 90 day sold listings. 103,997 items came up. Roughly 10 % of current listings.


When you factor in that it took 90 days for 10% of the listings to sell and then add in the unknowns of how many items where not relisted in that 90 day period, plus the sold numbers come off of listing numbers etc. etc. It probably equates to around 1.5%  - 2 % of clothing listings with the term " vintage " in the title, selling in any given 7 day period. You then have to factor in that the 10% of vintage items sold would be the cream of the listings. The higher quality / rarer items and quality sought after brands.


 If a seller has 25 listings, on average they might sell two items a month. If the quality of the items listed is only average rather than top shelf, it may well be much less than this.


The OP has sold ten items in a month from 70 odd listings so is doing quite well really compared to average.



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