on 18-05-2015 11:56 AM
I just got a letter parcel it had sydney water and on the right postage paid australia, on the back it had many ways to pay your bill.
well I dont live in sydney ,but it was addressed to me ,I opened it and it was a parcel I ordered from a seller in nsw. he used there paid envelope from sydney water which he got his bill in .
what a cheapscate
on 03-06-2015 10:16 AM
I am amazed so much time has been devoted to this topic, is it really one of the important matters of the eBay world? (or are we just starved for conversation in the forums these days, lol)
It is quite simple, if this is a prepaid envelope like the ones you can buy over the counter with a printed stamp image on it, but with Sydney Water's details printed on it, (many businesses buy these in bulk and personalise them to use as return address envelopes because it can work out cheaper than using a reply paid account), then the postage has been paid for, but not yet used, and there is nothing (legally or morally) to stop you using it (although it would be better to cover all reference to Sydney Water and replace it with your own).
On the other hand, if it is simply a postage paid stamp, then no postage has in fact been paid. Postage paid stamps only work in conjunction with an Auspost business account, you have to hand the mail over the counter with your posting summary which bears your account number and the cost are charged to your account. You cannot post them in red boxes, they will simply be returned to the sender's address or go to the dead letter office if there is none. You would be really lucky to get one through as Auspost are fairly strict about these.
on 03-06-2015 11:47 AM
@pennyforum14 wrote:I am amazed so much time has been devoted to this topic, is it really one of the important matters of the eBay world? (or are we just starved for conversation in the forums these days, lol)
It is quite simple, if this is a prepaid envelope like the ones you can buy over the counter with a printed stamp image on it, but with Sydney Water's details printed on it, (many businesses buy these in bulk and personalise them to use as return address envelopes because it can work out cheaper than using a reply paid account), then the postage has been paid for, but not yet used, and there is nothing (legally or morally) to stop you using it (although it would be better to cover all reference to Sydney Water and replace it with your own).
On the other hand, if it is simply a postage paid stamp, then no postage has in fact been paid. Postage paid stamps only work in conjunction with an Auspost business account, you have to hand the mail over the counter with your posting summary which bears your account number and the cost are charged to your account. You cannot post them in red boxes, they will simply be returned to the sender's address or go to the dead letter office if there is none. You would be really lucky to get one through as Auspost are fairly strict about these.
Just my opinion of course, but I for one consider it important because this sellers actions indicate a lot to me about their morals and ethics. As has been mentioned previously & again on this page by cq, if the seller is being dishonest and cheating both the original senders of the 'used' envelopes & Aust. Post, one has to wonder if that's where the dishonesty begins & ends - I very much doubt it. And therefore I don't think ebay is the place for such scumbags sellers.
Sorry, don't mean to sound rude penny, but I doubt you've read much of what has actually been said on this thread - but you may be correct about one thing, maybe we are starved for conversation, but this has at the least been somewhat entertaining & has definitely encouraged friendly banter
on 03-06-2015 11:53 AM
My PO advised that wherever these incidents are picked up, the original company (ie Sydney Water, the Catholic Club or whoever) would actually be charged 'Underpaid Postage' to their Business Accounts. And if an envelope was blank with no Return to Sender Address, then Aust Post wear the cost as in most cases as they would still deliver the letter/package. In some instances (mainly parcels) they may ask the receiver to pay the postage.
on 03-06-2015 12:11 PM
hi cq as I know quiet a few gift importers these products wholesale for aprox 20 cents each thats a ruler and rubber and the pens come in 10 pens for about 45 cents, so cheap to buy but for $1 they cant pay for a stamp.
to penny these are not prepaid return envelopes , return envelopes are not window-envelopes but have the return address on them.
have a look at any utility bill you get ,open the side ,take contents out and fill it with your goods then sticky take it and post it in a red box , and so far 5 out of 5 have got thru,
it might be an idea if the next person gets a bill and do the same and put a sticker on the envelope addressed to your self with nothing inside it , and see if you get it in the mail.just to see if its an aus post problem.
on 03-06-2015 12:24 PM
@joethenuts wrote:hi cq as I know quiet a few gift importers these products wholesale for aprox 20 cents each thats a ruler and rubber and the pens come in 10 pens for about 45 cents, so cheap to buy but for $1 they cant pay for a stamp.
to penny these are not prepaid return envelopes , return envelopes are not window-envelopes but have the return address on them.
have a look at any utility bill you get ,open the side ,take contents out and fill it with your goods then sticky take it and post it in a red box , and so far 5 out of 5 have got thru,
it might be an idea if the next person gets a bill and do the same and put a sticker on the envelope addressed to your self with nothing inside it , and see if you get it in the mail.just to see if its an aus post problem.
Lol joe, this is why Aust. Post lose money !! They try and do the 'right' thing & still deliver as they do not see it as the recipients fault & if there is no return address, they cannot charge anyone Well that's what they told me anyway
on 03-06-2015 12:48 PM
well i am going to try it now just got a letter from a bank in sydey , going into a redbox in melbourne with nothing inside just a sticker over the window with a fake name but real address to me , this is a test only what do you all think will happen
on 03-06-2015 12:51 PM
Fake name . . . . ? Still think you'll receive it - but the Bank will probably be charged if you don't put a sticker over their details ! Lol, but we'll never know about that bit
on 03-06-2015 12:57 PM
if I get this letter back,then the postage system is stuffed. because the envelope states sydney also sydney return address, it also has a laser mark on botom of envelope , it also has being put in a red box in melbourne, the sticker does not cover the whole envelope , and my writing is as bad as my spelling.lol also put sticky tape on side .
on 03-06-2015 01:05 PM
@joethenuts wrote:if I get this letter back,then the postage system is stuffed. because the envelope states sydney also sydney return address, it also has a laser mark on botom of envelope , it also has being put in a red box in melbourne, the sticker does not cover the whole envelope , and my writing is as bad as my spelling.lol also put sticky tape on side .
Hahahaha, hang on a minute joe, you didn't tell us all that - perhaps as it's empty AND more importantly has the 'laser' mark, I'm now sitting on the fence - reckon there's only a 50/50 chance you'll see it again now Most of the ones I get from the Bank (& other business's) have no markings other than Postage Paid Australia.
on 03-06-2015 01:12 PM
prob should of used a different envelope , but if this gets thru ,I should go and enter male model of the year,