on 05-11-2022 09:23 AM
I wish eBay would just leave things alone. If its not broke, etc. Just when you get used to a new system (eg, listing designer) they go and break it again and make it even more dysfunctional. And it always gets worse. evern new change is worse than the last one
Today I open my inbox and the first item is You made the sale (item bname)
WHAT? What kind of Chinglish is this? On what planet does anyone speak like this?
What happened to SOLD: (item name)>??
Clear, concise, simple, and at a pinch allows me to SORT EMAILS to find what has sold over the last few days
"You made the sale for"??
06-11-2022 10:21 AM - edited 06-11-2022 10:23 AM
on 07-11-2022 09:27 PM
I just came here to see if it annoyed anyone else, I guess it does Haha
It's not even good English.
on 08-11-2022 11:48 AM
It actually really really annoys me. Im no expert but I’m pretty sure it’s not correct grammar. As you say it sounds like something someone would say if english was their second language. Ppl have said it to me and i internally roll my eyes. My ocd cannot handle seeing this written 100s of times a day (i sell small value items so up to 100 a day). I googled it to see if there was something written about it and you said exactly what i thought. There’s enough things to be annoyed about in small business without seeing that rubbish in ur inbox all day. Ebay please change. We need to do a poll thingee. Get enough signatures to make them change it back
on 08-11-2022 11:57 AM
And what about them removing tracking after posting recently. I think to catch ppl pressing sent b4 posting. Drives me up the wall. My system was press sent when i put order in my post bag. If it needed tracking id open it in a new window to write tracking later. Then after taking everything to the post office, id come home and enter all my tracking numbers. Not everyone has a fancy systen or postage label printer. When my ppl pay $2.50 for seeds, the cost of a label for posting is beyond efficient use of funds.
on 08-11-2022 04:21 PM
eBay only ever want members’ opinion when a survey/poll has been created with options slanted to produce their desired result.
One can add the “you made a sale” spiel to the “g’day greeting” which I dislike in the same way that bits of shell would grate on me in a seafood mousse.
on 08-11-2022 04:36 PM
It is actually "you made the sale for", which sounds even worse than "a sale". I also automatically wrote "a" instead of "the" when I expressed my concerns about future emails notifying me that I had "made a purchase for", but it could be worse ' "you made the purchase for"...
on 08-11-2022 04:43 PM
on 08-11-2022 05:25 PM
I have just noticed that the OP's username is perfect for this thread...
on 08-11-2022 05:47 PM
Well - G'day. lol
Who ever says this.????
Well - other than Hoges.
I think the criteria for eBay - is 12 - 15 year olds - working from home.
on 08-11-2022 06:30 PM
It's annoying that they've clearly put resources into changing that for no reason, when there are a million other issues on this site that need fixing.