on 05-11-2022 09:23 AM
I wish eBay would just leave things alone. If its not broke, etc. Just when you get used to a new system (eg, listing designer) they go and break it again and make it even more dysfunctional. And it always gets worse. evern new change is worse than the last one
Today I open my inbox and the first item is You made the sale (item bname)
WHAT? What kind of Chinglish is this? On what planet does anyone speak like this?
What happened to SOLD: (item name)>??
Clear, concise, simple, and at a pinch allows me to SORT EMAILS to find what has sold over the last few days
"You made the sale for"??
on 14-11-2022 12:57 PM
Could not agree more with you. After you go through the now more agonising task of listing an item, it sells, and you wish to leave feedback , this has also been made dysfunctional.
Instead of identifying the buyer, whom you are trying to leave feedback for, it informs you that you were the seller, duh!!
And in my case, I usually sell multiple auction items on the one day, and need to leave feedback for several buyers. Not so long ago you could do this easily. Not so anymore, eBay have changed (they would claim “improved “) the process. Now it is more than “clunky” it is frustrating and tediously slow. There is no sequential feedback. You are “thanked” for leaving feedback but are then punished. You must return to the sold page and repeat the process for the next item……….
It wasn’t broken before but as you say with each iteration it gets worse.
Does eBay ever “road test “ these changes in the sellers world? Me thinks not.