the roll out of ebay managed payments

i'm sure a lot or most of you probably received the managed payments email this morning. in case you didn't, or missed here - ebay is rolling out managed payments later in the year with pre-registration opening shortly.


more info is located at

Message 1 of 699
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698 REPLIES 698

Re: the roll out of ebay managed payments

Not applicable

Typical. First adopters get squat. It's not like we had a choice in the matter

so why reward others unless it isn't compulsory for them.

Oh well.

For the record.

My MP batch was sent sometime during the wee hours today and landed in my bank just now ( before 1pm ).

NAB Classic Banking Account.

Message 401 of 699
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Re: the roll out of ebay managed payments

Lol - I got the same email. Not enough of an incentive yet!

Message 402 of 699
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Re: the roll out of ebay managed payments

Yeah I got that email too, I also got a call the other day about it, then another email from a rep. I ignored the email and hung up the call and said not interested at this point.
Message 403 of 699
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Re: the roll out of ebay managed payments

I reckon if you got onto them and quoted that 'promotion' you might just get it. Especially for all the 'beta testing' the early adopters have done and helped iron out the bugs for the following fifty buckers..
Message 404 of 699
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Re: the roll out of ebay managed payments

Not applicable

Only sellers who are validly registered on, whose country of residence is Australia and ******who receive an invitation to participate in the promotion via email are eligible for this promotion.******

With no way of contacting the MP crew via the 'uninvited' seller's account.

I suppose I could always ask for an email.


btw Does anyone know what time AEST the payment batchs are sent ?

Message 405 of 699
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Re: the roll out of ebay managed payments

@Anonymous wrote:



btw Does anyone know what time AEST the payment batchs are sent ?

Not exactly, but with my first payment last week, the funds disappeared from my available balance on eBay a few hours before the email notifying the payment had been sent - not sure if that even means anything, but the balance changed some time between midnight and 7am. 

Message 406 of 699
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Re: the roll out of ebay managed payments

Payout for today is timestamped a couple of minutes after 1am in my transaction history, and the email notification was received at 3am. 

Message 407 of 699
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Re: the roll out of ebay managed payments

Mine have routinely been between 1 and 3am AEST.

Message 408 of 699
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Re: the roll out of ebay managed payments

i had a phone call today on my landline from someone saying they were from ebay

of course i get a lot of scam calls because i still have a landlind so i presumed it was a scammer

i gave her a few choice words about how ebay doesnt call people up...EVER

then hung up on her


she kept up her speil about my seller hub needing me to do something


so, has ebay started calling up members?

or was this a scammer?


btw, i havent listed anything to sell since april i think from memory, not sure if or when i will list again

well not until australia post starts delivering world wide again anyway.

Message 409 of 699
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Re: the roll out of ebay managed payments

Ebay definitely does call people, I've had several calls from them. To tell me about ebay plus and again about managed payments.

Message 410 of 699
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