on 10-06-2016 06:31 PM
Hi I have been away from ebay for a few years, seems there are a lot more options now for shipping, can anyone please share experience/prices/coverage of other courier companies or other ways of shipping? Also, notices EBay now charges a percentage of the shipping price! all i can say about that is WHAT! Anyway aside from please can anyone share? Australia Post queues are getting horrid lately as well. thanks
on 11-06-2016 07:12 AM
on 11-06-2016 09:42 AM
on 11-06-2016 10:04 AM
just had a look at sendies website, tried to access the list of places where they collect from.
get an 'oops the page your looking for doesnt exist' message.
you would think a simple type in your address and recipients address to get a yes or no to delivery would be a basic piece of information.
not a great selling point for me.
on 11-06-2016 10:36 AM
on 12-06-2016 02:53 PM
Hey David – which page is giving you the error? I just checked them and they seem to work.
@davidc4430 wrote:just had a look at sendies website, tried to access the list of places where they collect from.
get an 'oops the page your looking for doesnt exist' message.
you would think a simple type in your address and recipients address to get a yes or no to delivery would be a basic piece of information.
not a great selling point for me.
on 12-06-2016 03:22 PM
using the link above, i tried the pickup suburbs (csv) but cant open it.
so looked to the right side of the page where it says 'where can sendie collect from' and via that i get the 'oops' message
on 12-06-2016 03:25 PM
personally i think the perfect system is one where you put in your post code and it would show you if you were able to get the service. so simple.
on 12-06-2016 03:54 PM
on 15-06-2016 09:30 AM
Yeah, it goes to here: http://sendle.in/pickup-suburbs which downloads a CSV.
Also, once you're signed in the quote tool is super easy. It's what I use.