on 22-01-2019 01:25 PM
Ebay has not been working for years.
TECH department should be ashamed of their work on this site.
Have sent multipal emails to Ebay but ignore them.
HOW do i find items listed for sale in WA ... Western Australia. IF IT DOES NOT WORK
None of the www.ebay.com.au, search refinements work.
If I ADVANCE SEARCH Located my postcode 50 km of 6162
It comes up with Hong Kong, South Australia, Victoria Australia, NSW ... SO VERY ANNOYING
ALL BUT WA, Western Australia
Even if I search Australia Only ... its still returns multipal ads for overseas ... SO ANNOYING
Can I refine the Australia Only search to Western Australia only ... NO, as postcode in advance search does NOT WORK
22-01-2019 01:34 PM - edited 22-01-2019 01:36 PM
You are spot on, eBay DO ignore most emails, those that do get replied to are just auto bot responses
Far better of to use the have us call you feature (and better yet, use that and ask to speak to a supervisor
I can only speak for myself, but advanced search /within set number of km is fine for my post code
(I don't generally go to 'advanced search' for that though, I usually just use the 'with x number of km) on the left side of the page
Overseas items will come up searching OZ only becuase the seller claims the item is located in Australia (which it may or may not be) but the seller is registered oveseas
I doubt the the so-called tech department even know because *most* of the time when eBay CS say they will escalte something to the tech department it is just bull dust to get a caller off the line as quickly as possible
on 22-01-2019 04:44 PM
I agree with you totally. eBay must lose a lot of sales because buyers can't locate what they want, but I don't think anyone will listen, so complaining is a waste of time. Just my opininion.