on 18-12-2018 06:11 AM
Classic label printing does not fill in a postage cost, after being directed here from the main lable printing site. Tried another browser with same effect.
on 18-12-2018 12:40 PM
More information please. Are you printing eBay Postage Labels? Are you printing from eBay or the Australia Post website? Ebay labels do not have the postage cost printed on them, they do show the cost before you print. I use Classic view in eBay and print labels with no problems all the time, so don't know if this is what you are trying to do. You would need to list step by step exactly what you are doing for me to help.
on 26-12-2018 08:08 AM
Many thanks.
Printing eBay lables, on ebay.
I try to print from the (new) page but it tells me there is a problem and redirected me to the classic page.
On the classic page does NOT show a price and will not let me print.
I have been on to support but they don't know or care what the problem is.....they just tell me to use the AP site.
There are posts back to 2016 with the same problem.
on 02-01-2019 11:41 AM
We're having same issue with postage labels and can't print any postage labels on eBay classic postage platform.
Hope they fix this issue soon!
on 05-01-2019 05:22 PM
Yes us to. The problem seems to occur with click and collect labels...... We are having to hand write labels