on โ11-12-2018 12:40 PM
When I type in collectables into a post and then I go to spell check it shows collectibles as the correct way to spell it so is spell check US or AU lol.
on โ11-12-2018 05:12 PM
ible to collect sounds funny when you say it,sounds like a south african and a kiwi saying it at the same time lol.
on โ11-12-2018 05:42 PM
on โ11-12-2018 06:30 PM
There once was a rumour quite credible
That people were totally edible
To prove that they're not,
Stawks leapt out of the pot
And the diners were one and all fed a bull.
These diners found this so delectable
In restaurants very respectable
That they loudly declared
'Twas divinely prepared
And all bulls were henceforth - collectable!
on โ11-12-2018 07:15 PM
on โ12-12-2018 01:16 AM
on โ12-12-2018 06:37 AM
on โ12-12-2018 09:02 AM
The farmerโs dog
is there to direct
all heads of cattle
for you to collect
But you are forewarned,
at least I suspect
that all heads of cattle
sure do stink when theyโre wet
on โ12-12-2018 10:58 AM
Full marks, enigma, but the last two lines would be even better as "that behinds of cattle sure do stink when they shet. Poetic licence with the last word so that it rhymes.