on 12-08-2017 02:52 PM
I had created half a dozen templates which I had been using successfully since the new input format was introduced. This afternoon I intended using one of my template but found that none of them were showing. I was forced to re-create one, however I was told I couldn'y as that template name already existed. I named the new template differently and used it to schedule a listing, however when I clicked on All Selling again the template I had just created had vaniched. The only option I am given at the moment is to create a new one. Is there an icon I should have clicked but haven't noticed?
on 12-08-2017 02:59 PM
Similar post here
with folks having template issues
on 12-08-2017 05:16 PM
on 20-08-2017 04:06 PM
The templates are all back again!