eBay Guaranteed Delivery issues



We have been trying to implement the new "eBay Guaranteed Delivery" option on some of our existing listings but are unable to get this to work. We have followed all instructions on the associated sellercentre page and have set up both a rate table and generated a new shipping business policy. When changing the shipping business policy to the new "eBay Guaranteed Delivery" version, we see the new express delivery option, but this does not show "Guaranteed by" next to the expected delivery date. Adding to this, the listing does not show up when searching for the product with the “Guaranteed 3-day delivery” option.


Any help would be much appreciated.

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Re: eBay Guaranteed Delivery issues

Honored Contributor

My advice?    Back away from it as quickly as you can.


No-one, and I mean no-one can guarantee delivery.


Even Aus Post.


Their Express Post is taking days to be delivered instead of next day delivery.


Someone else may have a different perspective..................

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Re: eBay Guaranteed Delivery issues

Forgot to mention....regardless of what it says, ebay do not read here.


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Re: eBay Guaranteed Delivery issues

Honored Contributor

I'm with Stawks on this.....run a mile from any guaranteed delivery times or your feedback may suffer.

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Re: eBay Guaranteed Delivery issues

You have over 54,500 feedback, with 100% rating and 5 stars for everything. Why risk that by guaranteeing something you have no control over? You have a few neutral feedback saying the courier delivery was really slow. If buyers are given a guarantee, then I think the neutrals will become red dots.


You choice, but I wouldn't touch it with a 20 foot pole.

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