on 12-03-2012 05:10 PM
Changes coming soon to eBay.com.au
This thread is to discuss the ***Changes coming soon to eBay.com.au*** announcement made on 14/03/2012.
These changes include:
FREE pictures and listing upgrade changes
Simplified Fees
Updates to eBay’s Feedback and seller standards
Zero day handling time option for same day dispatch
Custom settings for payment, postage & returns information
Electronics: List using eBay catalogues in more categories
Changes to the Classifieds listing format
April 2012 category changes
Please be advised, off-topic and/or disruptive posts may be deleted.
on 15-03-2012 10:52 PM
on 15-03-2012 10:53 PM
Oh yes,,,just read this,,,, FANTASTIC NOT.... mazimum fees for sellers selling bug ticket items goin UP TO $100...... give us A BREAK EBAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!! we do ALL THE WORK,,,,, your precious sellers will just have to PAY MORE FOR THE ITEM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
on 15-03-2012 10:54 PM
THAT'S BIG TICKET ITEMS... sorry for typo,,, am a little bit ANGRY.
on 15-03-2012 10:57 PM
every time I see an email about a "change" from Ebay,,, I know what it means........................ MORE FEES TO SELLERS !!!!
on 15-03-2012 11:07 PM
When will I read an announcement about SELLERS being able to give buyers a NEGATIVE FEEDBACK AGAIN............. COME ON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ???????????
ebay have a STONG BUSINESS in Australia,,, especially in Melbourne from what I can see,,,,,, yet they just keep screwing us for more and more and MORE>.....
on 16-03-2012 12:15 AM
When will I read an announcement about SELLERS being able to give buyers a NEGATIVE FEEDBACK AGAIN
My vote is... Never. Ebay changed many years ago and has moved into the 21st century now.
Modern eCommerce sites, especially eBay's (more successful?) opposition, doesn't allow for buyers to be slagged off in public. It makes the buyers happier, so they return to the site.
If you feel the need to Neg your buyers, then you need to use that other auction site. Only problem is, there aren't many buyers over there in the first place. :^O
on 16-03-2012 05:23 AM
It really depends on which site you are talking about. In the two categories I sell, books and china, though eBay was, it is not now, nor will it likely ever again be, the market leader when it comes to selling on line.
That is eBay has finally, and very belatedly, come to realise its core business is selling advertising space to small sellers, and in the past five year more and more of those core customers have left, never to return. Never to return because the seller has for some time had viable alternatives to go to, sites which appreciated their business. Oh and it's likely to get a lot worse (for eBay) as more and more buyers start to use their search engine, instead of logging directly into sites, to search for goods they want.
This is what this initiate is all about. Attempting to claw back business lost by the inept buyer bias decisions of the past, but frankly, considering the quality of the competition out there, it may well be a case of gates and lost horses.
on 16-03-2012 10:39 AM
eBay is rewarding sellers with 5 stars for communication when a buyer does not need to contact them about their purchase so how about giving us multi-variant listings (like the USA & UK has) in more categories so that buyers and sellers don't have to message back and forth for selections on choice listings?
The other sites have had them now for years so it can be done.
on 16-03-2012 12:16 PM
I have a small basic store that I have started to build slowly, The message from eBay about the changes coming to stores is very ambiguous, A $5.00 per month rise in fees and a reduction in listing fees is fine by me but what is going to happen when the Basic Store Merges with the Featured Store - Does this mean we will all be paying the $99.00 per month Featured store fee as it is now? Not this little black duck!
In relation to category changes, I agree with the request for multi/variant listings, for so long this has been available in some of the Clothing categories and in the UK and US it is available in the Craft and other categories why dont we come 'more in line with other countries' in this respect.Not only easier for us sellers but also great for buyers who have to go that extra step and request by email what color ribbon etc they want.I wonder if this will be changed in April?
on 16-03-2012 12:27 PM
I agree, more multi variant listings would an excellent improvement to ebay AU