on 17-07-2011 03:49 PM
on 06-10-2011 03:44 PM
on 06-10-2011 03:48 PM
Oh dear timone, you will incur the wrath of the MIGHTY EBAY MACHINE for mentioning the name of another auction site, just as I did last week.
Watch out for the threatening email and watch your post magically disappear!
on 06-10-2011 03:56 PM
Of course! you are so correct, WANDA8516, THEY treat SELLERS with total disdain, contempt at eBay, as if we were idiots, 'Changes to meet buyers demand...' !!! How dishonest is that? Buyers want MORE sellers with quality goods, and guess what, THERE ARE LESS & LESS SELLERS of quality goods (in my category, ART, anyway, SO MUCH rubbish is now on offer, it is not funny, many a seller now think twice about mixing their quality art with that rubbish on offer from China, Israel, etc...), WE USED TO SELL TEN TIMES MORE ITEMS HERE, WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO YOUR FEES, EBAY? IT COST ME $100 (!!!) to LIST & SELL AN ITEM worth $500, WHY SUCH EXHORBITANT FEES (Listing/Featured/FVF)? WHAT RUNNING COSTS HAVE YOU GOT, VERY LITTLE IN FACT IT IS THERE FOR EVERY BODY TO READ in 'eBAy Shares' on the NET ! WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO YOUR PLATFORM, ESPECIALLY YOUR CATEGORIES, EBAY? WHY THIS ABBERANT 'Best Match' in SEARCH (Worst decision ever...)? WHO IS/ARE the mean minded person(s) behind a desk in a warm office who have concocted such decisions? COMPARE with WHAT SELLERS of ART USED to SELL 4/5 YEARS AGO, AND BE COURAGEOUS, CORRECT YOUR MISTAKES, YOU HAVE A LOT TO WIN/EARN OUT OF SUCH ADJUSTMENTS, NO? GREEDY (SOOO GREEDY...) CORPORATE ENTITIES LIKE YOU TAKE US TO AN INEVITABLE 'Global Revolution' WE WILL NOT COPE IT SWEET for much longer, DON'T YOU THINK? WOULD YOU LIKE ME TO REMIND YOU OF WHAT YOUR President recently (10/10/2011) said to the BBC? Here it is:
Shares in eBay have jumped almost 8% after the online auction site's Paypal unit said its revenues would double by 2013 to between $6bn (£3.7bn) and $7bn.
Payments service Paypal could be eBay's largest business within five years, chief executive John Donahoe said.
"We are driving the next generation of e-commerce," he added.
Last month, eBay reported profits of $559m for the final three months of last year, in part thanks to a big jump in revenue at Paypal.
"We're at an inflection point where tech-driven innovation is broadly shaping e-commerce and shifting consumer behaviour," Mr Donahoe said.
"This shift is creating new global opportunities for our company."
The company has implemented a number of changes as part of three-year turnaround plan, including a revamped website and search engine, lower upfront fees, and the launch of mobile applications.
And I believe that those exhorbitant, obscene fees for Sellers are going to erode your business of a lot of profit, starting with the one you generated from my account...
on 06-10-2011 04:01 PM
Unbelievable. They are going to increase the fees after all that hype.
I am appalled. Its all about the bottom line.
on 07-10-2011 05:38 AM
on 07-10-2011 07:53 AM
theres an idea! why dont they give long time power sellers or top sellers 1 share each !
on 08-10-2011 09:03 PM
on 08-10-2011 09:27 PM
on 12-10-2011 10:42 PM
on 12-10-2011 10:52 PM