on 17-07-2011 03:49 PM
on 26-07-2011 12:02 PM
on 26-07-2011 12:04 PM
on 26-07-2011 12:07 PM
I would also like to know why Australian Top Sellers will not get the same benefit as USA Top Sellers (20% discount on fees).
http://pages2.ebay.com.au/News/InsideSelling/eTRS (AU TS)
http://pages.ebay.com/sell/July2009Update/Details/index.html#1-2 (USA TS).............
eBay Top-rated sellers will earn top rewards: 20% fee discounts, exclusive promotion in search results for Fixed Price listings, exclusive ability to purchase Featured First, and a prominent Top-rated seller badge on their item pages.
on 26-07-2011 12:19 PM
on 26-07-2011 12:27 PM
on 26-07-2011 12:29 PM
Can anyone see any info on what is happening to Insertion fees for Books category for Basic Stores?
ATM it is 5c for 30 days with free gallery. They say media is staying the same but no mention of books.
on 26-07-2011 12:36 PM
on 26-07-2011 12:39 PM
Yes, two sets of rules. And I hope they keep it that way. US sellers pay higher FVFs than Australian sellers in most categories so even if they get the 20% discount they are still paying more than we are.
on 26-07-2011 12:45 PM
I got a survey 2 days ago and one question was asking as a powerseller are you happy with the benefits you get.
My reply What benefits?
We still pay the same to list, we still pay the same FVF, we also pay for a store, sales reports and to date never got any benefit as a PS.
I would like to see a PS get cheaper fees to keep the incentive there to keep the PS status.
on 26-07-2011 12:48 PM