I have a theory as to why Ebay and Paypal are becoming seperate
entities. Its all to sell Ebay. Paypal alone is worth much more than
ebay and has a definite future. Ebay on the other hand is on a downward
spiral and when a business is on its way down...
Yes Ebay is going downhill bigtime now. Its only a matter of months,
maybe 2 years on the outside before it goes belly up. People want cheap,
but they also want quality. Its funny to see big corporations and
businesses do these BIG changes that they ...
11.7% is a big drop and its still going down.Still...sales have been the
most woefull in 3 years as of late, much more than a 11.7% drop...I was
pondering whether to invest more money into Ebay to boost product levels
or put the money into infrastruc...
Sales down to 15% of what they usually are last week. 1 sale so far this
week. Spoke to Ebay and they said its because of people saving their $
after coming back from School Holidays...then I read here.I know Ebay
has to 'update' occasionally but Jes...