Copied this from Australia Post: Domestic parcels Prepaid Parcel Post
Plus 500g, 3kg and 5kg satchels will increase by an average of $1 per
satchel. Prepaid Express Post 3kg satchels will increase by an average
6.9% or 90 cents per satchel. All other...
Yes I have a US bank account as I lived there for several years and the
Bank were quite happy for me to retain my account with them when I was
returning to Aus. So what else? It's ebays system of not being able to
have a US ID that it seems would mak...
I closed my store due to the Fee increase and all my listings returned
to my Unsold Items folder and I was able to re-list them again no
problems. Never used Turbo Lister as I am on a Mac and its not
compatible. I also use Auctiva for listing with wh...
I'm interested in a US store too but as I can't set up a US ID from here
in Australia on ebay, how can I set up and run a US store? Just need
some info about that if anyone can help. Thanks,
Just a question? I will definitely need to close my store as I can't
afford a fee increase at this time. However what happens to our Feedback
Scores from our Store?? Will these just now go down the gurgler becausea
ebay won't let us transfer them and...