on โ14-08-2012 09:28 AM
We have just read the changes that are coming in September 2012 regarding Basic Store Subscriptions (rising from $24.95 to $49.95)
Our sales on ebay have reduced so much over the last year or so that doubling our store subscription really isn't an option (most of our sales come though our website). My question is, if we close our store and take advantage of the 30 free listings per month, will we have to relist the stock we have in there now? Or will it appear in our Unsold folder and we can just relist it from there? Also, is there anything we'll miss out on by not having a store other than Good Till Cancelled listings?
Any help would be appreciated.
on โ14-08-2012 05:25 PM
it was probably a waste of time, but i just sent an email to the billing section of ebay re doubling the store subscription. it was too long to quote here but went along the lines that ebay more or less admitted in their email that they are all for the high end seller yada yada yada and dont give a rats about the smaller sellers
i ended it by asking them to pass my email on to the gods that govern ebay, and added that I realised they probably couldn;t as i hadn't been charged a fee for that.
on โ14-08-2012 05:26 PM
Just a question? I will definitely need to close my store as I can't afford a fee increase at this time. However what happens to our Feedback Scores from our Store?? Will these just now go down the gurgler becausea ebay won't let us transfer them and so we have to start all over again to build our feed back??
Now that would be a BIG BUMMER and really unfair to put it mildly.
You know ebay don't really want hobby sellers either, they are purely in it for the BIG business's so they can compete with Amazon and so they only want the Big end of the Market. However to develop BIG businesses people have to start somewhere eh!
Without the Store there are definitely some major drawbacks to building a business on ebay.
on โ14-08-2012 06:09 PM
Unfortunately it a dog-eat-dog world out there, and in here too.
on โ14-08-2012 08:15 PM
sad part is for us long time, small sellers... we are PS and TRS selling $5 and $10 items..
so.. no 30 free listings a month for us, it'll be pay for listing from item #1
but the $50 store fee wont be sustainable
on โ14-08-2012 08:37 PM
I am a Power Seller and Top Rated seller, but I will close the store down as I have found Ebay has dropped off a lot in sales and this is very dissapoiniting.
Doubling fees is really disgraceful and as they EBay are problably feeling the drop in their earnings due to lower sales they figure they need to bump up the prices.
So I will drop off completley now and focus on other aspects of my business.
on โ14-08-2012 08:50 PM
The big jump of the store subscription fee is just ridiculous. I am going to close my store too! Very very disappointed about these changes from eBay.
on โ14-08-2012 09:10 PM
Like anything, we do things either because we love to or because it pays dividends. If a few sellers leave, it only means more profits for the remaining sellers. Ebay won't lose as the buyers will still spend the amount they could afford to in the 1st place.
on โ14-08-2012 09:35 PM
Ebay is probably making more money from the adverts that they are inserting everywhere than they are making from listings. Imagine in a few years time, the eBay announcement:
Important changes for eBay Sellers
You may recall that last March we reduced the total size of listing space from 10 x 10cm to a more compact format of 10 x 5cm, including images. This was offset by a listing fee reduction of 7.2%, which saved the average small seller approximately $3 per week.
From 15 September, all listings will be ended and the advertising price will increase from $24.95 to $49.95 per cmยฒ.
This change has become necessary as the changes made earlier this year incentivised more advertisers than expected. Therefore, we have decided to stop all listings completely since activities such as allowing sales of items to buyers is no longer economically viable for us.
That word "incentivised" really gets my goat X-(
on โ14-08-2012 09:42 PM
oh coops that's just so so funny, but unfortunately not 100miles off the truth!!
on โ14-08-2012 10:33 PM
Your feedback will stay with you don't worry. The feedback comes with any transaction you make whether it be a Store item or not. Cancelling your Store won't change a thing there. Well I'm 99.999999999% sure anyway, lol.