Sales have continued to slow. Now only getting 1 sale every few weeks.
Totally ridiculous ! Have gone from several sales per day to 1 per
month. Can not sustain running a business this way. This happened since
ebay introduced the paid sponsored adds ...
We do 10% to 20% promotions and not much of an increase in sales but now
we lose 10 to 20% of each sale to Ebay. We are going to go back to no
promotions as just can not afford to pay for promotions.
I agree with your comments 100%. We always had consistent sales each
month. Now for the last 6 months we are getting throttled by ebay. We
have 3 or 4 quick sales then nothing for 3 weeks. Then another 3 or 4
quick sales then nothing for 3 weeks. It ...
Last year was averaging 3 sales per day and we have approx 300 items
listed. In January dropped to 2 sales in the whole month, in Feb had
just 1 sale. Same items same prices. I dont know what has happened on
ebay in 2023 but at this rate will need ca...