I am sick and tired of receiving several emails or inference that my
discription does not tell the potential buyer enough regarding the
condition of the item. Cease to do so right now !! READ my discription
BEFORE you can tell me otherwise ! I have b...
Buyer buys four items and says that one item was broken. He was
repeatedly offered a FULL refund by returning the one only item but he
does not correspond nor return the item but instead, he leaves FOUR
Neg's. What's the stance for the seller ?
When I buy, I make sure that the item is NOT registered with tracking
!!!! Why you might ask? Because it takes that long to arrive IF NOT AT
ALL which is five times out of ten !!If its just "ordinary" post, you
get the item faster from say the USA to...
Don't worry about it I feel because you're more than likely going to get
more negative flack here than you will in your selling on ebay. Trust
me! From diwrecktor and domsa_mcp
To colic. I appreciate your last comments indeedy so ! THANKS TO ALL :-
It has been a learning curve for me to say the least but with regret, I
feel that I must emphasise the following; My assumption was that this
board was to be " an affable, enjoya...
But chuk, I've said it before in that my principles have never been
hidden in my entire life and I stand by the fact that I will NOT relent
for such a situation from a buyer that has that nature built into him.
As said, the 4 NEG's are not warrantabl...
Sorry deju_vu_ items. Life is beautiful as long as you don't weaken.
Fun, laughter, enjoyment overtakes lying scheming rotters such as this
buyer in this thread