Check this pro webmaster discussion following a recent google upheaval.
Most of those webmasters are running ecommerce online stores. It will
give you an idea of whats going on with Google
Its the new Google and they are killing the web. It is not just eBay but
many other ecommerce websites. It just gets worse and worse every month.
This place has become a ghost town!.. i used to have 5-10 sales each
day. I am lucky to have one per wee...
It is a google problem. They recently pushed yet another index "update"
designed to push online businesses to spend more on adwords ads. In
short, google are making it hard to find ecommerce product pages unless
you advertise heavily with them...espe...
Guys we are missing the point. My product listing which eBay uses to
attract Google shoppers with is completely bogus! 1) I never ended this
item like ebay now say (or any of the other few dozen of items in my
shop which are displaying the same sympt...