BEWARE Global shipping program

Buyers beware before you purchase from US sellers check that they do not use the Global shipping program. You will have to pay 2 shipping costs. One for the seller to ship the item to the shipping company in the US. And a second exorbitant cost (min of aboutUS$25) to then ship to you. A simple $5 purchase becomes $50 before you know it. To make it worse most of the yanks don't even know they have signed up for it. This has to be one of ebays biggest rip offs yet!
Message 1 of 311
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310 REPLIES 310

Re: BEWARE Global shipping program

stawks, maybe it is because they didn’t mention the GSP or Global Shipping Program, they called it Global Postal Service


Also, that feedback has been revised, so maybe it was a neg or neut to begin with.  Maybe eBay changed it from a red dot to a green one.

Message 221 of 311
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Re: BEWARE Global shipping program

Yeah, it would have been a neg, but revised?


I'm surprised ebay just didn't delete it in the first place.

Message 222 of 311
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Re: BEWARE Global shipping program

An item I ordered recently from the USA on eBay arrived just within GSP delivery time estimate. The item spent a long time in my local FedEx delivery centre. After three scheduled delivery attempts it looks like they gave up and gave the package to Australia Post (while I think he could have left it the postman insisted on getting a signature).


The interesting thing was the item came in an Amazon envelope with an Amazon gift slip inside. Clearly, the seller is bought the item from who clearly have no problem with shipping to eBay’s GSP shipping agent in Kentucky.


When I ordered the item it was cheaper to buy on eBay even with the GSP charges than Amazon Australia but in the meantime Amazon Australia have starting selling the item through their global store at a much reduced price.

Message 223 of 311
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Re: BEWARE Global shipping program

 I had the same experience. 25-30 lb in a huge box 110x70x30cm cost me $32.00US and it arrived in a reasonable time.

Tracking information was OK. Has a Pitney Bowes sticker on the box. No complaints at all.


Message 224 of 311
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Re: BEWARE Global shipping program

I had the same experience. Had an item weighing 25-30lb which came in a huge box 110x70x30cm and only cost US$32. Came via KY and had a Pitney Bowes sticker on it. Came in a reasonable time and tracking details seemed ok but maybe a bit delayed. No complaints here.

Message 225 of 311
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Re: BEWARE Global shipping program

Yes but not just US sellers. Also other countries now, like the UK. A massive rip off for consumers. More commission for weeeeeeeebay. More carbon footprint. Often 20-25 pounds post and falsely charged import duty for a recycled garment for example. Ridiculous! Blah!

@daffyduk wrote:
Buyers beware before you purchase from US sellers check that they do not use the Global shipping program. You will have to pay 2 shipping costs. One for the seller to ship the item to the shipping company in the US. And a second exorbitant cost (min of aboutUS$25) to then ship to you. A simple $5 purchase becomes $50 before you know it. To make it worse most of the yanks don't even know they have signed up for it. This has to be one of ebays biggest rip offs yet!

@daffyduk wrote:
Buyers beware before you purchase from US sellers check that they do not use the Global shipping program. You will have to pay 2 shipping costs. One for the seller to ship the item to the shipping company in the US. And a second exorbitant cost (min of aboutUS$25) to then ship to you. A simple $5 purchase becomes $50 before you know it. To make it worse most of the yanks don't even know they have signed up for it. This has to be one of ebays biggest rip offs yet!


Message 226 of 311
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Re: BEWARE Global shipping program

Simple just check what shippng the US seller is using before you buy . GSP woked out fine for me several times on  large items ,way cheeper than US parcel post or Fedex .... but not so good if its a small item

Message 227 of 311
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Re: BEWARE Global shipping program

@babycatcher00 wrote:

Yes but not just US sellers. Also other countries now, like the UK. A massive rip off for consumers. More commission for weeeeeeeebay. More carbon footprint. Often 20-25 pounds post and falsely charged import duty for a recycled garment for example. Ridiculous! Blah!


How does a high postage cost equate to a high carbon footprint?


CO2 is not measured in money, and the carbon emitted for you to buy something from the other side of the world is the same, regardless of the price charged for postage. Air kilometres x weight equals carbon emissions. If you're that concerned, maybe try buying a little closer to home.


There are plenty of legitimate issues with the GSP, maybe try one of those.

Message 228 of 311
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Re: BEWARE Global shipping program

Carbon atomFoot of Doom

Message 229 of 311
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Re: BEWARE Global shipping program

It's a rip off. It takes twice as long and you get charged at least twice as much. Ebay is ripping people off!

Message 230 of 311
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