BEWARE Global shipping program

Buyers beware before you purchase from US sellers check that they do not use the Global shipping program. You will have to pay 2 shipping costs. One for the seller to ship the item to the shipping company in the US. And a second exorbitant cost (min of aboutUS$25) to then ship to you. A simple $5 purchase becomes $50 before you know it. To make it worse most of the yanks don't even know they have signed up for it. This has to be one of ebays biggest rip offs yet!
Message 1 of 311
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BEWARE Global shipping program

@matilda-mary wrote:

padi*0409  12,963 posts and you say start you up and you'll never stop. I bet 98% of thosenearly 13,000 posts are sticking up for the biggest ripoff of the century Pitney Bowes and the Global Shipping Program. As a long time e-bay buyer, I have the right to complain about being ripped off by a third party that gives third rate service and chargest the highest premium first rate price. So do us all a favour and pull your head in and stop typing the same old tired responce to people who have a legitimate gripe against being ripped off


I skipped thru many pages on this forum and the same old worn out name cropped up with the same old worn out comments time and time again, against everyone who had a gripe about the blatent ripoff on postage and handling. And there is no other name for it, as Pitney Bowes does not even do the delivery, all they do is sort parcels into destination to country and then farm it all off to another freight company. So to put it into perspective, we pay the seller to ship it to Global Shipping (owned by Pitney Bowes) who the subcontracts it out to another carrier, so we pay the usps price to get it to Global Shipping who the charge an absolute ripoff price the pass it all on to a cheaper third party carrier. So you tell me, how are we not being ripped off, just give your tired old comments a rest and leave the rest of us alone


Hello Matilda-Mary, quite contrary, how does your garden grow?


Allow me to highlight a few things:


"...the biggest ripoff of the century Pitney Bowes and the Global Shipping Program."


Off the top of my head, I'd suggest Trump University, the Fyre Festival, Church of Sceintoloyg Membership Level-Ups, and anything marketed by Gwyneth Paltrow, as being higher on the 'Biggest Rip-offs Of Century: Consumers Often Lack Intelligence' list (or B.R.O.C.C.O.L.I. for short).


In fact, my one purchase from overseas using GSP was for a large, heavy case coming from the USA, and despite checking all the usual suspects (FedEx, UPS, DHL etc), GSP was cheaper by a significant margin (it was a good 30% to 40% which amounted to dozens of dollars), so I'd suggest GSP — when used correctly — shouldn't be on the B.R.O.C.C.O.L.I. list at all.


"...Pitney Bowes does not even do the delivery, all they do is sort parcels..."


McDonald's doesn't even grow the cows - all they do is serve the burgers.


"padi*0409  12,963 posts and you say start you up and you'll never stop. I bet 98% of thosenearly 13,000 posts are sticking up for the biggest ripoff of the century..."


Even if you were correct and 98% of padi's contribution is pointless defence of GSP (spoiler alert: you're not), that would still leave him 250+ posts within which to contribute something of value to these forums. So far, 100% of your post[sic] does not.

Message 281 of 311
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BEWARE Global shipping program

What a shame that matilda-mary hasn't come back to enlighten me on his/her postulations of my actions on the boards, particularly in reference to the GSP tazzie.


I'm (almost) heartbroken.      original.gif


"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 282 of 311
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BEWARE Global shipping program

@matilda-mary wrote:



......... as Pitney Bowes does not even do the delivery, all they do is sort parcels into destination to country and then farm it all off to another freight company. So to put it into perspective, we pay the seller to ship it to Global Shipping (owned by Pitney Bowes) who the subcontracts it out to another carrier, so we pay the usps price to get it to Global Shipping who the charge an absolute ripoff price the pass it all on to a cheaper third party carrier.


This little gem tells me that you have abolutely no idea how the system works.


The GSP is not owned by Pitney is the name for the shipping service that ebay recommends for international deliveries and run by PB at their behest.


Many sellers offer free postage within their own country so most of the time you do not pay for the items to be shipped to Erlanger to the PB depot.  If the shipping is not free you will pay whatever the listing states for national delivery


Pitney Bowes is not a is a logistics service which organises the internationl

leg of the journey.  They do the Customs paperwork and any packaging that they deem necessary and then hand the parcels on to FedEx for the international part of the journey.


FedEx is responsible for delivery in Australia.....small items go with Australia Post.....large items are delivered by FedEx themselves or a delivery service of their choice if they do not deliver in the area where the item is going.

Message 283 of 311
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BEWARE Global shipping program

tazzie, I am charmed by your BROCCOLI reference.


One good BROCCOLI deserves another, so...



(Warning: you can go down the rabbit hole looking at his other works, in particular the isolation parodies.)

Message 284 of 311
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BEWARE Global shipping program

Never heard of the GSP and foolishly bought an item that we needed for our old motorcycle which is the size of a matchstick box. Actual price was more expensive than listed as we were whacked with duty on a second hand part. After 3 weeks it still has not left the USA. Never again. I wish Amazon had had the part as no hassles with them and I can get free shipping which is quicker in delivery than here in Australia.
Message 285 of 311
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BEWARE Global shipping program

I got charged US$408 / approx AU$700 delivery without actually knowing I would be charged.
I was told by eBay that is how much GST is in Australia. But GST is only 10% and that would have been $160.

Because it was a bid. eBay said they didn’t display the fees until after I had won the bid and couldn’t back out.

They then said it was import tax. I contacted the authorities, they did import tax on what I bought was about $80AU.

It’s now been over a month and I still don’t have my package.
It was shipped USPS by the seller and it too a day to reach the GSP Depot. It sat there for 9 days. Then was sent to Australia. That was 2 weeks ago. And I still don’t have it.
It’s been over a month since I purchased. And you would think that with $700AU delivery, it would have been delivered within a week.

Shame on eBay not making it clear.
Message 286 of 311
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BEWARE Global shipping program

I won't purchase from sellers using the Ebay Global shipping program.

There are no import fees to Australia and I can't see why I should have to pay the excessive fees on top of regular shipping charges.

Ah well

Message 287 of 311
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BEWARE Global shipping program

@spudd57joe wrote:


There are no import fees to Australia and I can't see why I should have to pay the excessive fees on top of regular shipping charges.


I take it you haven't heard of the 10% GST import duty on all items up to $1,000 then ?


"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 288 of 311
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BEWARE Global shipping program

Or Pitney Bowes' fees for collecting GST being called 'import fees'

Message 289 of 311
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BEWARE Global shipping program

@christopher6871 wrote:

All I can add is go Amazon. There is no fuss and no hidden fees.
Since ordering my eBay purchase I have bought a number of item from the US. In fact from the same city as the eBay purchase. And they all arrived in about a week.

Yes, I buy occasionally from Amazon for those reeasons you give.  Agree too. But I will say that eBay has a better range of stuff at this time.

Message 290 of 311
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