
Made an offer on item from the US and seller accepted the price but the shipping cost was not included on listing. Asked seller for shipping cost but got no reply!!! Then requested seller to cancel the order which they did. Do you think seller is obligated to give me shipping cost?
Message 1 of 33
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Re: Confused!

@michellebartley wrote:
It was small animal bedding to be precise and not food. Im quite chuffed actually as the seller shipped the item super fast.

The mind boggles Mchelle.......................................




"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 21 of 33
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Re: Confused!

Was that before or after they cancelled the transaction? Should we take bets on how long it is until you go into panic mode that it hasn't arrived yet?
Message 22 of 33
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Re: Confused!

It was not cancelled. I had enquired about the same item some time ago but seller didnt give me shipping cost so I asked for order to be cancelled (which it was!). This is about the "current" order (same item!) I made and "Yes" shipping cost was provided this time round. I think that makes sense.
Message 23 of 33
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Re: Confused!

Well this post makes sense Michelle but it is nothing like your first posts which made very little sense at all.

Message 24 of 33
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Re: Confused!

Why would we not also be confused? Michelle, once again, has not presented all the information to support her 'question'. Although, when she finally did, it doesn't seem to be confusing at all.


I also find it hard to believe that her rodents would appreciate luxury imported bedding over anything soft from around the house. I suspect there is a high degree of projection happening.

Message 25 of 33
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Re: Confused!

Rodents only need shredded newspaper.


After all, they are incontinent, and newspaper can be changed daily.

Message 26 of 33
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Re: Confused!

When my pets were babies and living inside, I got them one of those nice, cosy dog pillow things, thinking they'd like laying on something soft. Nope! They liked kicking the old towels and sheets around and making a nest out of them. They were still incontinent at that point (they are all house trained now), so chucking the sheets and towels in the washing machine was no problem. They still like laying in them now when they come inside of a night to watch TV. I couldn't use shredded newspaper......they'd eat it.


Maybe I should have imported some bedding for them? Maybe bought them some 1,000 count Thai silk sheets? They had Canningvale towels, so weren't getting the bottom of the barrel.

Message 27 of 33
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Re: Confused!

Thai silk?


Million thread Egyptian cotton, surely.

Message 28 of 33
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Re: Confused!

An old NVA blanket (probably a collectors piece) or the good old concrete seems to suit Batgirl and Batboy just fine............


.........................well my bed as well occasionally..........................

"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 29 of 33
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Re: Confused!

Yeah, but the Bats can't compete with the pedigree of my babies.


Dave, I did offer them the million thread count Egyptian cotton, but they said they were too good that cheap rubbish. The Thai silk was softer on their little faces.


Mine like to sleep on the concrete now, especially in Winter. Although they all have their own mat outside, which they like as well. They rarely swap mats.
Message 30 of 33
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