on 26-11-2013 02:02 PM
Hi All... Bought an expensive handbag and the seller was wonderful and said due to immediate payment she would post it immediately by Express Post... Well I've been tracking it and it said yesterday on route with delivery driver.... then said delivered... however didn't get delivered to me... 😞
I've checked the address with the Seller - All Good - I've called Australia Post and lodged a query as to where it was delivered... I've called them back this afternoon and they said no news yet try again tomorrow... What if it's been delivered to the wrong address and they don't hand it back... I hate the fact that the Seller sent it and all details were correct but they didn't deliver it to the correct address.. I know it's early days but I've got a really bad feeling I won't see this bag... anyone else had the same problem but did in fact get the parcel turn up?
All things crossed ... 🙂
on 27-11-2013 10:07 AM
thecatspjs does that even apply to the fact that it has only been delivered to the DC as far as the tracking is concerned?
27-11-2013 10:16 AM - edited 27-11-2013 10:18 AM
Yes it does apply. Paypal do not require proof of delivery in Australia due to our Sale of Goods legislation on carriage / freight of items once they have been sold.
Paypal require proof that the article was posted - so a lodgement scan or scan along the way to destination can demonstrate this.
But in a claim situation the seller must also provide proof of addressee.
IMO It is worth requesting your seller open an AP missing parcel investigation asap as it is an express item that should have arrived.
I have had a couple MIA in the last few weeks, including an express post satchel, where the items scanned in the system and then disappeared - one was even scanned as delivered to person and it was not.
Both were located - still at mail centres, within a week of the AP investigation being opened.
on 27-11-2013 10:22 AM
OK thanks... yes I've gone back to her this morning and advised that I can't do much more with Aust Post and could she please start an investigation from her end as the Seller.. she might get more info out of them but at this stage they will probably only offer a replacement satchel to her ... I think I'm doomed 😞
on 27-11-2013 10:37 AM
I wouldn't give up hope yet. As you've contacted Aus Post straight away they will usually chase up with the driver to confirm the delivery. Hopefully they can remember if/where it was delivered and when.
Our Express parcels are not delivered by the regular parcel contractors and at this time of year they use extra drivers for the Express runs. Last year I had a parcel delivered by a driver who was out delivering his first parcels ever in the week before Christmas and he was a bit overwhelmed with it all.
on 27-11-2013 10:42 AM
Yes sportandplay that's the only thing I'm hopeful about... when I called AP the first time the guy said well hopefully the driver can remember where he dropped it off as it was only yesterday.. I live in a really small community so he wouldn't have had many Express Post parcels to deliver so he should remember quite clearly... I think that's my only hope but getting it back might be interesting if he has dropped it at the incorrect address 🙂
on 27-11-2013 11:31 AM
Sue i don't know if it will help, but it is worth a try - google the Australian Postal Industry Ombundsman website and lodge a formal complaint with them. I really feel for you heaps cause i have had the same thing happen to me. I bought a heap of expensive medicinal herbs which went awol via express post and because Australia Post said it had been 'delivered' (although not to me) i was not entitled to any compensation. Apparently the Postal Industry Ombundsman can look into cases of parcels not being delivered properly.
27-11-2013 11:36 AM - edited 27-11-2013 11:38 AM
If AP has not conducted a formal investigation with an unsatisfactory outcome, then it really is jumping the gun to go to the Postal Industry Ombudsman at this point.
Fingers crossed that the parcel turns up in next couple of days,
if it was by chance misdelivered then it can take a couple of days for the receiver that likes to do the right thing to get around to popping it into your letterbox.
on 27-11-2013 12:26 PM
Thanks otaku3000girl did you have any luck getting compensation from them?
yes thecatspjs it's early days yet and that will be down the track..
Update: Just called Aust Post again as they don't bother to call me and the update is that the Manager at Hastings DC has not yet responded to their inquiry and it can take up to 10 days for them to follow this through to get to a conclusion... surely time is of the essence... this only went missing on Monday?
I'm praying the front door bell rings soon but all is deathly quiet at the moment LOL
27-11-2013 12:34 PM - edited 27-11-2013 12:36 PM
Lolol I know that feeling only too well ....
I reckon keep in the back of your mind too, that if you paid by paypal even if the seller can provide proof or post and addressee details (which this seller may or may not have proof of, if they used an express service) - if the item is only showing as delivered to to a mail centre then Paypal may make a discretionary payment to you if you have a good track record.
As a seller, I think that purchasing extra cover on the post for expensive goods that you are sending is just doing the right thing by your customers. As extra cover no longer has a signature requiement for goods under $300, it also slightly cheaper than in the past.
If the goods were over $300, then sending them via uninsured post is just reckless IMO.
on 27-11-2013 01:49 PM
Still nothing grrrrr - now I'm in a dilemna .. Iv'e checked and there's only one bag the same on the whole of Ebay and that finishes this afternoon... my parents will expect me to have bought a gift and to send them a pic etc LOL do I buy this one and hope the other one turns up and then resell or should I get onto PayPal now... I have contacted the Seller regarding making enquiries her end but she just emailed me and said check the tracking no. that will tell you where it is - sigh