on โ21-03-2013 05:42 AM
I just got a whole heap of damaged items and the because the seller instead of packing items in 2 separate lots like I paid shoved lures in a box of graphite rods. I paid over $60 for the rods postage and over $45 postage for the lures. The seller holds up sending the rods for a couple of days so he can put the lures loosely into the same box as the rods. That in turn damages the rods. To me seeing as the seller didnt package the lures, No actual out lay was spent by putting them into the first packaging of Rods that cost me over $60 the $45 was excessive Postage, He sis nothing for that $45 charged, Ebay policy states he had to do something On top of that he refused to communicate with me so I left a heap of Negs for him. I go back just now and see all those negs have been removed, Not counting the ones I left just this minuet ( 3 ) but the 11 I left a few days ago, In fact not only removed but so are the comments explaining why.. Is this fair and right? or an example of Ebay looking after PowerSellers so the keep making money at the cost of the buyers?
on โ21-03-2013 11:17 AM
Your feedback comments should reflect the problem. If the problem is that the items were damaged in transit due to lack of sufficient packaging then that is what you should state.
I agree that some sellers appear to be protected, but not because they are powersellers.
Very few powersellers have account managers.
If you contacted the seller and the seller did not respond with a solution then the account manager is able to see that and should not be removing the feedback.
If however the seller did respond and did offer a solution and the buyer ignored the offer then in some (very few) cases the account manager will remove the feedback.
I don't have an account manager myself so if I get a neg or neutral I will have to either live with it or hope the buyer will revise it.
Certain categories do tend to have more problems with unreasonable feedback so I can understand the need for account managers to offer some protection. We can only hope they get the balance right.
on โ21-03-2013 11:19 AM
After getting an unsatisfactory response, did you open a paypal dispute if you paid that way ?
on โ21-03-2013 11:20 AM
Yes a-buet I get that. I get that, Ebay have already acknowledged he did the wrong thing, I can send you there response if you need proof. Excessive postage rules are there for a reason, they explain in great detail what is required. He broke those rules. He even held up the rods in sending just so he could make profit from postage. The lures where just loosely bouncing around with out any packaging etc, I paid etc from packaging for the lures to be properly packaged. I paid for several rods, Simple I understand the discount on them. THEN I paid for a group of lures, First charge of lures is the first price, then discount after that, Now worries, Clearly stated in the auction. But then to just place all of the lures loosely into the cartoon the rods where in and still charge me for the full cost of sending the lures was wrong. especialy after they scracthed carbon fibre rods that now make them uesless. He did NOTHING for the price of the lures other then chuck them into a large long Rod box. The policy in regards to excessive postage charges are very clear, Ebay has agreed. If there not protecting him because he is a Power Seller then ok, There just protecting him because there greedy and want his fees to keep comming in. ((((
โข Actual Postage cost: This must be limited to the actual cost (i.e. postage) for posting the item. ((( $45 is what I was charged for him to post the lures, It cost him NOTHING))))
โข Packaging cost: This must be limited to the actual cost of packaging materials used for the item, such as bubble wrap, tape, box and mailing label and must not be excessive or unnecessary THERE WAS NO MATERIAL AT ALL SO THERE WAS NO COST THEY WHERE LOOSE BOUNCING AROUND INSIDE THE BOX I PAID FOR WITH THE RODS.)))))
on โ06-04-2013 04:04 PM
And now just for kicks Ebay removes the rest of the Feedback that was left, weeks later. Of cause again they cant tell me why, Just cut and paste a link to there policies. When I ring and speak to a person from Ebay they also think it is very strange. They also agreed the seller did not follow the rules or there own description That Ebay member cant understand why Ebay here removed the feedback. She has asked for a total review She also found the emails from the 2 different Ebay staffers where they agreed the Power Seller broke the rules and was sanctioned YET THEY STILL REMOVED THE HONEST FAIR FEEDBACK. If that is not protecting Power Sellers then what is????
on โ06-04-2013 11:37 PM
Have you asked for the feedback to be reinstated?
If there is no reason for it to be removed in the first place, usually it will be reinstated if you ask.