Peeved off with eBay and Pay Pal over return shipping costs.

I purchased an over coat from China and used the sellers measurement chart to get my size… you guessed it when it arrived it was at least 2 sizes too small. OK not a problem send it back get a full refund. NO…. why? I have to pay for the return shipping. I checked Aust Post online and it will cost me anywhere from $26 to $53 depending on the level of tracking I want/need for Pay Pal to refund.

I paid $55.99 so after taking into account the shipping cost for me to send back I end up with from $29.99 or $2.99.




I did not do anything wrong I used the seller’s measurement chart, I paid immediately, I did everything right but I am being penalised. I can understand if I made a mistake like ordering the wrong size, which I did not, or colour or just did not like it then yes I pay for return shipping BUT I did not so in my opinion the seller is at fault and should be held responsible for the return shipping. Is it that eBay and Pay Pal won’t change this because they stand to lose out on fees? So much for buyer’s protection. It’s about time eBay and Pay Pal reverse these unfair policies and does what’s right for buyers.


Oh and just one more rant Asian postal service is so bad you would be better off with the old “slow boat from China” I reckon that would be faster.

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Re: Peeved off with eBay and Pay Pal over return shipping costs.

What has 'legal' got to do with this?

Under Paypal's terms a buyer is responsible for all return costs.

If you do a chargeback through your bank after funding with a credit card the buyer is responsible for all return costs.

If a seller has made a mistake many will offer to cover return postage or offer a partial refund and keep the item, a buyer can certainly ask the seller to do one of those options and if they do not come to the party the buyer is free to make their feelings known through feedback.

It says in this book I am reading that by 2065 80% of women will be overweight.

See what a trendsetter I am?
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